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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 6



Expressing our emotions through art.



LO: Writing to inform

On Thursday, Diversity wrote a letter to their new teacher. They used writing mats to support their writing to enable them to show their teacher how fantastic they are. The children were very proud of their letters and all shared and read out loud. They will have one very happy teacher in September!

Poetry week


This week we have been working to translate using coordinates.






In Mathematics last week we set up different activity stations to explore angles! We had an alien game, matching activity and a partner game. The acute and obtuse partner game got exciting as we competed against each other to estimate angles.


This week in Science we have been looking at the life cycles of humans, We discussed what we already knew, and also what we would like to know as we move through this topic.

Our activity today was to match up the age, photograph and information. We also added what we already knew!






5A have begun to practice their own music!



This week we have been starting to compose our own music using B,A,G.




Reading B A G notes to be able to play a simple song.


Guided Reading

Week B.

I wonder what Micheal has in his bag. Very careless to leave it in the marina!


This term in French we are looking at who we are related to.

We are retrieving our knowledge from previous terms relating to our family members, such as, occupations, hair colour, eye colour and their relation to us. We are then going to complete our own project and create a booklet showcasing our families.



A fantastic opportunity to have an afternoon of orienteering in a local park. Teams worked together to acomplish the goal. Core values were on show and in action!


In this lesson, we focussed on our passing skills. We practised releasing the ball from different parts of our body e.g. chest, overhead, shoulder etc. We had to use wide fingers to keep a grip of the ball and when we released the ball we had to finish with our arm pointing towards the target.

