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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day gave us the chance to recall all of the amazing knowledge we have about keeping ourselves safe online and how we can form positive relationships. We revisited PSHE learning about healthy and unhealthy relationships and went on to identify dangers when communicating online or through messages. Using this knowledge we were able to create our own acrostic poems about the theme of respect for one another online.

PSHE- Oral Hygiene

PSHE drew upon our knowledge of oral hygiene. We were able to identify ways in which we can take responsibility for our own teeth and why it is so important to our own health and wellbeing. We then explored the effects some liquids can have on our teeth if it is not cleaned off regularly. Placing eggs in coke, water, milk and orange juice, we saw how after just a couple of days the shell had become damaged and made connections to the effect drinks can have on the enamel of our own teeth.

Human and Physical Features

Working as Geographers, we used maps to locate European countries and identify some of the most famous physical and human features found within them. We were really proud of our recording of our work, making our learning clear for others to see.

French Day

French Day provided us with the opportunity to recall our counting in French up to 100 and then explore what a day at typical French school might be like in comparison to our own. We were surprised to find that they didn't have to wear a uniform and that their school day may be longer than ours.

Action and Reaction in Dance

Continuing to work as superheroes, we worked in pairs to explore action and reaction. One of us had control of the other providing the action that our partner then reacted to.  We then incorporated this into our dance sequence from previous weeks.

Working as Artists, we explored painting in the style of Jackson Pollock and Leonardo da Vinci. We had great fun experimenting with paint in different ways. First we created large paintings using the drip technique Pollock was so famous for. We stood as we worked and moved around the paper, dripping paint from a height to see the effect it made on the paper. We thought about the colours we used to create a piece of work.

In contrast, we looked at the famous works of Leonardo da Vinci and his use of colour in his work. We particularly looked at the contrast of colours used to create light and dark. We were able to make some comparisons to Pollock, particularly when he used a range of light and dark colours in his work, thinking about how he may have been feeling at this time.

This week we have had a focus on Children's Mental Health Week, exploring how we have grown. We began the week by revisiting the book 'Bloom' to think about ways we can make each other grow by the choice of words we use to encourage one another. We then used some of our favourite Go Noodle dances to support our moods. During the week, we created our own support balloons, thinking of the people who support us and lift us up. Reflecting on how we have grown over the year so far, we recorded some of these ways and created a class growth wall. We also congratulated our friends, identifying ways they have grown and encouraged them for ways they can grow further.


We have loved working in groups for Team Teach in spelling this week. Modelling my turn, your turn for the new words and then exploring words within words and ways to remember each of the spellings.

Moving like a superhero- extending our bodies.

In dance, we became super heroes. He explored different superpowers we might have and how we can extend our bodies in different ways. We explored moving and then freezing before moving again an dhow we may need to balance and extend our bodies in different ways.


This week we have revisited division calculations, using lolly sticks, dienes and place value counters to share amounts into equal groups. We have looked at how to record work in different ways, clearly showing the exchanges and beginning to explain remainders.

Making Switches

Using our knowledge of electrical circuits, we were able to make simple circuits and then add in our own switches that made or broke the circuit. We loved the challenge of using classroom resources to make the switches.

LO To be able to develop the open stick tackle in hockey.

Applying our hockey skills,  we were taught the open stick (block) tackle. In pairs, we took it in turns to be the attacker, dribbling the ball towards our partner. The defender then adopted a balanced position, placing the stick towards the floor to create a barrier. We then tried to score against our partners in a 1v1 game, before moving on to a 2v2 game. Working in groups of 4, we developed our skill of using the block tackle to try and steal the ball from our opponents, three of us had a ball whilst the one without had to use a block tackle to steal the ball.

Will it work?

After creating electrical circuits last lesson that made the bulb light, we were given the challenge to predict if drawn circuit diagrams would work or not. Discussing each one in groups, we were able to predict if they would work or not and explain our reasoning. We then recreated the circuit to test our predictions.

Art- Rembrandt

A fantastic morning working with our Art leader in school to develop our drawing skills further. After exploring the sketches of Rembrandt and how he developed his sketch books, we have worked in his style to develop large scale drawings of our own. We can't wait to share our finished outcomes with you!

To develop dribbling using the reverse stick.

This week we continued to develop skills of controlling the ball with accuracy with the hockey stick. In pairs with one hockey stick each and one ball between us we practised pulling the ball from side to side on the spot. We had time to get used to holding the stick and adjusting our grip to move the ball right to left and back. In pairs we played a 1v1 game. One of us began with the ball at the cone while the defender was 2m away. The attacker tried to use a reverse stick dribble to move the defender and dribble to the opposing cone. We took it in turns to practise our dribbling skills using the hockey stick effectively.

First Aid

To support our learning in PSHE, we were lucky enough to take part in a Mini First Aid Kids workshop. We discussed what to do in different situations so that we were able to support our friends who may be hurt. We put our friends into the recovery position, performed CPR and explored what to do if we encounter burns, choking, head bumps, bleeding or breaks. 

Making Circuits

After recalling our learning from last week on mains and battery operated electrical items, we were given components to make a simple circuit. Working in groups we were challenged to make a bulb light and explored the word 'circuit' that is complete to allow the flow of electricity.

The Spy- continued

Continuing to explore the theme of 'The Spy' we recalled the steps learnt last week and explored the actions we could add on to continue the dance in role as a spy. We then looked at the action and reaction movements spies may make. We thought about moving high and low and how every action may create a reaction from our partner. We continued to count in steps of eight to keep in time.

Voices in the Park

This week we started to explore the text Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We began by exploring the First Voice and looked at the characters in this voice and their relationship. We thought of lots of questions we wanted to ask both Charles and his Mother about how they treated each other. Hot seating the characters, we asked lots of questions and enjoyed getting into different roles.

To support our retelling of the first voice, we worked in groups to sequence and then role play the events in the park. We took it in turns to take on each role and loved getting into character as Charles' Mother!

Speeches Week

Still image for this video
Here is one of the speeches produced by 4A during Speeches Week. Our focus was 'Every Voice is Important.' Over the week we built on prior discussion form Collective Worship about speaking out for others and who in society may need others to speak out for them. After exploring the book, The Journey, by Francesca Sanna, we discussed how refugees may feel they have no voice as flee danger to find safety. Other groups we felt may not have a voice were, the homeless, ill, disabled and elderly. We discussed how vital it is for those who do have a voice to speak out for others and made links to our work during anti-bullying week last term. We know it is not always easy for the target to speak out but others can, we also reminded ourselves that it is often the bully themselves who needs help and support.

In hockey this week we began by sending the ball with a push pass to our partner. We communicated with our partners and passed directly to them, listening to instructions carefully and beginning to show respect for the rules of the game. Playing games, we identified which gates were free to pass through.

Kennings - retrieval

Our Big Write challenge this week, was to write a Kenning poem inspired by the Reflective Garden. We enjoyed being outside, identifying the key features of the garden and the things we are able to do there.

Recalling our prior learning, we used nouns and verbs to create simple phrases for our poems.

Collective Worship

In classroom worship we discussed the question, 'Should more of our learning take place outside?'

After discussing what we like and dislike about learning outdoors, most of us decided we should have more learning outside. We went outside to reflect on the world around us and began to use found objects to create artwork. We hope to repeat this again throughout the year as the world around us changes with the seasons.

PSHE- Health and Wellbeing

Our first lesson in PSHE this term saw us exploring health and wellbeing. We discussed what leads to a healthy lifestyle, thinking about what contributes to good health both inside and outside of our bodies. We created lists in our groups and then sorted some key statements. 

Can you list some of the things that contribute to good health?


We have started our Science learning, retrieving what we know about electricity and items that use electrical energy to work. Identifying both mains electricity and stored electricity in the form of batteries, we have sorted common appliances onto a Venn diagram.

LO To copy and create actions in response to an idea and be able to adapt this using changes of space.

After copying the actions to the count of 8, we began to explore moving like a spy might. Moving in different ways to use the whole space, we used high, low, quick and slow movements. Working in groups we copied the opening movements and then added our own sequences to them.
