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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Welcome to Term 3


This term we are looking at Superhero’s and how they can be all around us. Spiderman, Robin, batman and even the local postman. We see superheroes as people that help us. The children will be reading texts such as Supertato, The Jolly Postman and George and the dragon. All of these stories include characters that help in some way! The children will have the chance to explore Chinese New Year, including a visit to a Chinese restaurant to sample some food. We are also going to be writing our own letters and taking a walk to post them at the local post-box. Reception are thinking about numbers to 5 and how they can grow into 6, 7 and 8. We will investigate height and length within our maths learning this term too. Take a look at our fantastic learning so far…


Reception have been able to find and show different ways of representing 0.

Gymnastics! We have been creating short sequences using different shapes such as, tuck, pike and straddle.

Supertato to the RESCUE! Reception have loved our first book of the term. From washing muddy potatoes, printing their own supertato characters and acting out the story with some real vegetables during independent learning time.

Posting our written letters and posting our numbered envelopes. Reception have enjoyed listening to the Jolly postman this week and turn into post people themselves.

Being willing to 'have a go' a lots of learning this week. jigsaw puzzles, part part whole models, doubling numbers and using finger spaces and full stops in sentences!

Reception enjoyed a visit from Reverend Sally who came to talk to us about some Christian celebrations. The children baptised a baby and spoke about their own experiences.

Reception enjoyed a visit to the library - we listened to 'Peace at last' by Jill Murphy. The children then found some of their own books to have a look at.
