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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Digital Leaders

After applying for the role and showing a keen interest in the area, the children were appointed. They were quick to lead Collective Worships and plan events to teach the children about keeping safe online. They take their role very seriously and enjoy talking to others about it.

Reducing Screen Time!

The digital leaders decided that they would like to reduce the amount of time that children were spending in front of a screen. First they collected data from each class to find out, on average, how many hours a day at the weekend children were spending in front of a screen. 

Screen Free Saturday!

After finding out that a lot of children spend many hours in front of a screen over the weekend, the digital leaders decided to introduce Screen Free Saturday! They then designed and made posters which included fun activities to do away from a screen to present to every class. The impact of this will be that children will spend more time away from a screen and enjoy fun activities with their families and friends.

These inspiring children ensure that the online learning and E-safety is appropriate and they will deliver clear messages to classes helping them to keep safe.


"I enjoy teaching others to be safe especially in Collective Worships. It is an important role that we take very seriously." R and D 

Collective Worship

The digital leaders ran an important Collective Worship to Key Stage One and Key Stage Two which highlighted the important of staying safe online. It covered how we can stay safe and what to do if we see something that makes us feel worried or upset. Always be SMART!





Father's Day brunch Posters!


The digital leaders met to create posters to advertise our amazing Father's Day Brunch event. The event was very popular and the posters looked great around school.


The digital leaders worked hard to create fantastic posters to advertise the summer disco. 


