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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

2F Thankfulness Class

Welcome to Thankfulness Class 


Class Teacher: Miss Ferguson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Favell



Welcome to class Thankfulness 

Welcome back and what a pleasure it is to see the children again and their eagerness to learn.  It will most certainly help prepare them in their next stage of the school term. 


A new term signals new learning opportunities that provides the children with the opportunity to question, think, reflect and evaluate the units they are learning in order to draw conclusions in a spiritual way. We hope you enjoy the term alongside us and enjoy seeing how the children make a difference a long the way.


We are looking forward to the season of Advent, understanding the count down to Jesus' birth, through a variety of activities such as; stories and drama, art skills, carols, spreading kindness and thoughtfulness for the community. We will be keeping the spirit of Christmas alive here at St. Thomas'. 


On this web page, you will be able to see all the exciting learning and experiences that the children have been a part of and any important information and messages. 


Our PE lessons will take place every Wednesday and Friday and all children must have the appropriate kit that is suitable for all weathers. The children will be taking part in lessons inside the sports hall and outdoors. Please can we ask that all long hair is tied back and no jewellery, including watches, are to be worn. 


Homework will be sent out every Friday and will be due in on the following Wednesday.

We ask that all the children keep their reading books in their bags so we can read with them throughout the week. All reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday. 


You can keep up to date with all of our learning and achievements by following the twitter account below. 

