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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 2

It's good to be you!


Welcome back to the next magical term in your child's learning journey! This term our topic is called `It's good to be you!` This will allow the children to understand how everyone is special, begin to understand tolerance and explore a range of cultures and celebrations. We are also very excited about this term as we will begin learning the songs for our Christmas Nativity.

In Maths, the children will begin to explore counting and number recognition but also take part in solving problems. The children will now split for phonics daily and consolidate their set 1 sounds and begin to read a selection of words with greater independence. We are looking forward to seeing how all of our children continue to flourish and grow this term. There will also be lots of experiences for Reception to to take part in, this will include our school trip and a range of visitors.

We began our first week back with a whizz, pop and bang! We have been learning about Bonfire Night and how it is celebrated by families each year. The children spoke about the similarities between Bonfire Night and Diwali- great connection Love class. Throughout this week, everyone has had the opportunity to create their own firework pictures using the printing technique and also create their own representations of fireworks using the enhanced provision. We have been blown away by the vocabulary generated by the children to describe a firework display and throughout our circle times, the children have learnt the importance of staying safe when taking part in activities with parents. Next week, the children will have a visit from the local fire fighter team and build upon their knowledge of Bonfire fire night and how emergency services help the community.


The children have also began to use apparatus in PE, the children had to use control and coordination to negotiate their way across different pieces of equipment. Well done Love class!
