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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Term 3


Welcome back year 2! We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break with your families. 


This term the children will continue to be focussing on significant individuals who have made an impact on society today. We will be learning all about Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton, discussing what happened on their expeditions and how these explorers are perceived today.


In our RE lessons we will continue to build upon your understanding of Islam and the Quran's teachings. In PE, we will explore the units of Dance and Target games. In our Science learning this term, the children will be identifying different materials and understanding the characteristics and how materials can be used in different ways. In art we will be looking at sculpture and creating our own sculptures using spring as a stimulus.


In history, we have started to look at the explorer Robert Falcon Scott. We worked as historians to look at a range of clues to find out who he was and what he did.



In maths we have begun to look at multiplication. We have used counters to create arrays and write the multiplication number sentence to match. We have found out that multiplication can be done in any order.


In art, we have been looking at different sculptures and the techniques that artists use. This week we used soap as our media and explored carving the soap to create different patterns and textures.


In science the children have been exploring different materials. They have been sorting the materials according tot heir properties.


In art we have continued out learning on sculptures. We have been learning about the artist Darrell Wakelam and how he uses paper, cardboard and masking tape to create some of his sculptures. We then used the same media to explore creating our own sculptures. 

