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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

St Thomas' Church and St Botolph's Church

As a part of our Church School, we have close connections with St Thomas' Church and Boston Stump too. See our Church Distinctiveness web page for more up-to-date information on this partnership. 

A message from Father David...


As Rector of the Parish of Boston, including St Thomas' Church on London Road, I am so pleased to be part of our school community. The links between St Thomas' School and the local church are deep-rooted and go all the way back to its foundation. They are as important today as they ever were.


Our school is a Christian community and how we work, teach, learn and nurture is rooted in the Christian story – the story of Jesus. It’s a story in which every individual matters because we believe that all people are made in God’s own image. It’s a story that values difference and individuality, and it’s a story that encourages us all to be the very best we can be, reflecting how wonderfully God has made us.


Being part of the St Thomas' community is being part of the church family – not just here, but in the whole church, universal. We are a community established in prayer and worship and which sees God at work in all parts of our school life and with all our school family members.

Our pupils are at the heart of our school but St Thomas' is more than child-focussed. We are a family in which everyone is nurtured – children, families, staff and trustees. We are hard at work here, and so is God.


Fr David Stephenson
