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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 4

Year 1 have had an excellent start to Term 4, with fantastic attitudes and enthusiasm towards our new units of learning! 



At the beginning of the term we have been busy exploring tens and ones, retrieving our previous knowledge from Term 3. We have been applying our knowledge of tens and ones to represent numbers using dienes and help us identify numbers to 50 and their place value. We have also began to explore length and height, using a ruler to measure accurately.



In DT, we have started to explore our 'Food' unit by researching different fruit and vegetables on the iPads to give us a bank of items to explore when we start to design our healthy snack. We also carried out an investigation to see what the most popular fruit and vegetables are.



We have really enjoyed our science learning so far this term, identifying different types of the human body. We learnt lots of new vocabulary and applied this practically by

labelling our friends body to demonstrate our understanding of the human body parts.


World Book Day

Year 1 loved coming to school dressed up focusing on a book and/or character. Throughout the day, we read stories together and even visited our new library to share our love of reading together and explore different types of texts. 
