Term 6
Skellig - Guided Reading
This term, we are reading the story of Skellig! The children were fully engaged from chapter one! There have been numerous guesses regarding the type of person the main protagonist might be, they continue to use the strategy of VIPERS to help them infer, predict and unwrap vocabulary.
To support our pupils with spelling, the children learn spellings from Read, Write Inc. The children certainly are active and engaged throughout the whole process and sequencing!
Cycling trip to Rutland
As part of the Sports Premium funding and our Happy and Healthy driver, Year 6 visited Rutland and enjoyed a cycling experience. Peace class embraced the unpredictable weather to cycle around a the stunning lake whilst avoiding lots of sheep! It was a wonderful day with lots of laughter. 🚲🌧
DT: Cultural and dietary needs… Burgers!
How does market research influence a recipe?
In DT this term, we are learning about the dietary requirements that people have and how this would influence their choice of a patty, bun and the accompaniments that they would select.
By making connections about religious dietary rules from RE as well as drawing upon our knowledge of family members and friends, we are exploring alternative options. Furthermore, we will also be building upon our understanding of seasonality and cultural dishes from previous year groups to theme and develop interesting burgers!