Term 1
The Three Little Pigs
This week the children have been reading the story 'The Three Little Pigs'. We made predictions, discussed different vocabulary and role played the story before we began to write our own versions of the story. We have been trying really hard to remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
We have made a great start to our Maths learning. We have looked at representing numbers and counting accurately.
Big Question: Are all families the same?
What a fantastic start for Gentleness Class this week. The children have settled into the routines of year 1 and have followed our STAR behaviour rules beautifully. For our first PSHE lesson, we recapped each of our STARS and all the children could demonstrate what this looks like in the classroom and outside. Miss Featherstone and myself are very proud of how well the children have settled into year 1 already. Well done Gentleness Class!
Big Question: How can I identify a variety of materials based on their properties?
Which materials can be recycled?
Year 1 started their Science learning by exploring a range of objects and identifying the materials they were made from. The children were able to use vocabulary such as `glass`, `wood`, `material,` `plastic` and `metal` and started to explore their properties. Throughout the year we shall also be making observations of the different seasons and weather.
Big Question- What is form?
In our Art learning this term, the children have been learning about sculptures and exploring form. They have focused on `Balloon dog` this week and used their sketching books to create drawings of the sculpture. They then created a large scale drawing, which they painted with water colours. The children could talk about how a sculpture is a 3D piece of art that can stand on it's own. They could identify the shapes used in Balloon dog and describe the properties.
Big Question - How have toys changed over time?
In History we are exploring toys from the past and comparing these to toys we play with today.
This week they have been exploring different toys and talking about how they are different to their own toys.
Big Question - Why do we need rules?
This term in Computing we shall be exploring E-safety and understand how to keep safe. We have already begun looking at what is kind and unkind behaviour.
What do Christians believe is God like?
This week we have been looking at the Big Frieze in the hall. The children really enjoyed finding different pictures and linking it to the stories from the Bible.