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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4!


Welcome back to Spring Term 4. I hope you have had a wonderful half term break, and are refreshed ready for an action packed term. 


I am really pleased with how the children in Tolerance class have returned to school. They are eager and excited for their learning this term. 


Check out our amazing learning below. 


Big Question: Can the properties of materials be changed?

This term, we will be continuing our learning on Materials. Following on from last term’s learning of the properties of materials, we are exploring whether they can be changed.

In Science this week, we have investigated how the properties of materials can be tested. We tested to see which materials around the classroom were magnetic, how flexible they were, the density of the material and the transparency of the material.



Big Question: Is the seasonality important when creating a recipe?

 This term is DT, we will be exploring seasonality and how important it is when creating a recipe. Over the term, we will be creating a simple design specification taken from a design brief, before making a bread product.

This week in DT, we have explored the process of how bread is made from farm to fork. Check out our double page spreads on Bread Production. The children have done a great job!






Big Question: Was Jesus the Messiah?

This term in RE, we are exploring Salvation and answering the big question: Was Jesus the Messiah? We will be looking at what Christians believe and how this is supported through stories, Psalms, artwork, and prayers.

This week in RE, we have created wanted posters for the Messiah. Christians believe the Messiah was the Saviour, the Chosen One.

Check out our wanted posters, outlining the criteria for the Messiah.




Big Question: How is your personal identity created?

This term in PSHE, we will be continuing to explore the big question regarding personal identity and our health and wellbeing. We will be learning about risky and dangerous situations, and how we can keep ourselves safe. We will learn about the emergency services and retrieve our knowledge of how we get hold of them when needed.

This week in PSHE, we have explored how to improve our emotional wellbeing and boost our mood. We recognised and acknowledged individuality, gathered ideas of how to boost our moods and improve our emotional wellbeing.

Check out our awesome emotional wellbeing caps.






Big Question: What has made South America successful?

This term in Geography, we will be exploring all things South America. We will look at South American countries and describe the key features, using maps and atlases. We will then develop our awareness of how tourism and trade impact these countries.

This week in Geography, we have explored the key features of Brazil. We learnt all about the human and physical features; discovering how tourism impacts the country.  



Big Question: Où vas-tu?

This term in French, we will be exploring our new vocabulary for directions. We will be understanding how to give and read directions, as well as write them.


Big Question: How do fingerings and the pitch of a note relate?

This term in Music, we will be exploring the features of a recorder and to know how to create a clear sound. We will learn how to play the notes BAG.
