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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy


'Pure Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.'


Albert Einstein







Our aim is to teach a mathematics curriculum which is accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. We endeavour to ensure that children develop an enthusiastic and creative attitude towards mathematics that will remain with them throughout their lives. Through engaging lessons, children are taught to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We intend for our children to apply their mathematical knowledge in other subjects across the curriculum, where appropriate.





At St Thomas’ Primary Academy teachers use the White Rose Maths scheme to support our mathematics curriculum and ensure that is fully progressive and of high quality. Frequent retrieval activities are used to allow our children to recall prior learning and embed strategies and understanding. Daily mental maths activities form part of lessons to ensure that children’s fluency of the four operations is embedded and secure.


In our school, mathematics is taught using a mastery approach. Teachers draw on a range of resources to create the best possible learning environment for our children. Their mathematical understanding is developed through the stages of concrete apparatus and pictorial representations, before moving on to abstract concepts and calculations. Reasoning and justifying is a part of lessons and this enables the children to verbalise, discuss and explain their mathematical thinking using the correct mathematical vocabulary.


In lessons, high quality questioning is used so adults can quickly address misconceptions and move learning on. High quality resources including White Rose Maths, Maths Shed and Testbase are used effectively by teachers and are used to meet the needs of all children as well as to extend their learning.  Scaffolds and worked examples are displayed on the working wall in every classroom to support children’s learning.


 From EYFS through to Year 6, the classrooms are enriched with mathematical vocabulary to support the children with talking about their mathematical learning and to use in their mathematical explanations.



As a result of a high quality and engaging Mathematics curriculum, children talk enthusiastically about their maths lessons and their love of learning for maths. Our assessment systems enable teaches to make informed judgements that enable pupils to develop secure mathematical fluency and make very good progress from their starting points. At the end of Year 6, the children are not only confident for the next stage  of their school journey but understand how they will use and apply maths in later life.
