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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 6

PSHE - PEGI ratings

As part of PSHE, the children learnt what a PEGI rating was and explored many front covers of games and investigated whether they were age appropriate for them or not. The children then sorted them into a table. I cannot wait to see the PSHE display that the children are making.


History - Exploring Town Life

The children looked at a range of objects and sites from the past and discussed in small groups what they were and for, why they might have been important and are they still used in modern times. The children noticed that Roman baths were very much like swimming pools, pots could be used to carry and store oil that could have been used for cooking and skin as well as areas that looked like an area for gladiators. Great discussion and links were made. 


English - ordering key events

The children have enjoyed reading the story of 'Jack and the baked beanstalk' and thinking about the order and events. After discussing these, the children then ordered them in pairs. Lots of conversation was had throughout about the characters.


DT - taste testing

Just like any business when venturing out to design a new sandwich, the children tested different types and fillings. This allowed them to consider their likes and dislikes as well as thinking about what other people may like too. Next week, they will begin to design their own

Music - ukulele

Building on a previous term's experience of the ukulele, the children were able to model quickly how to hold it and begin to pluck and strum. They have progressed onto locating and using the C chord. I cannot wait to hear this within a song now!


Maths - right angles

After learning what a right angle looks like, the children have been thinking about how many right angles are equivalent to the number of turns. The children were able to physically demonstrate as well as use a compass to show their knowledge too when problem solving.


Science - invertebrates and exoskeletons

To deepen the children's understanding about skeletons, the children have been investigating those animals that are invertebrates such as earth worms and slugs as they have water inside of them which is held in by the muscles. We learnt that their skeleton feels very different to our own and just like us can vary in size.


D.T. - using equipment

As part of the sequence in the unit, the children observed how to peel, grate and carefully chop and slice ingredients that may well end up in their sandwich. The children were taught how to hold the grater, peeler and knife and the grips they would need, i.e. the claw grip. The children were keen to demonstrate their care and understanding with it all.

School trip - PE focus

As part of the children's retrieval of football skills from the autumn term, the children visited Boston United's football ground to demonstrate their understanding and abilities as well as picking up some handy hints.

