2023-2024 Archived
I am the good shepherd
In our worship, we have explored what was meant when Jesus said,” I am the good shepherd.”
Father David brought the scenario to life with us and we were all able to reflect on the deeper meaning of this I AM statement.
Celebrating individual Liberty - The poetry Slam!
In our Encouragement award Worship this week, we have used our own voices and expressed creativity in 'The Poetry Slam'. The winning team from each class came forward to perform their poem.
This was an excellent opportunity for us all to share in the School's vision to encourage each other to perform. We each showed the British Value of exercising our individual liberty in order to support our friends and class-mates!
The characteristics of Jesus - Father David’s Collective Worship
In Term 6, we have 7 weeks of learning. Father David and Reverend Sally have taken the chance to talk to us about the 7 I am statements of Jesus.
Here we are exploring the characteristics of different jobs with Father David to help us to understand what Jesus meant when he said: 'I am the good shepherd.'
Community Space - Road HOG bus visit
Serving our local community, the big purple Road HOG bus is a familiar sight for most of the community. Recently, a brand-new bus (we were the first school to visit it!) has hit the road to replace the original.
Pupils spent time reflecting on their place in their life journey and how the community is there to support us in our lives.
Each of us who spent time on the bus was able to have some time to explore how children and teenagers can access the prayer space, hot chocolates, tuck shop and the 7 screens where you can play almost any console!
This opportunity to reflect was so valuable to build links with our community!
Our Church School council collection for Jerry Green
The Church School Council organised a charitable 'wear it green' day for the school community to support a local dog-rescue charity and sanctuary.
The children telephoned the centre themselves and found that they were in need of towels, bedding, toys and of course... food and treats!
Everyone enjoyed supporting a charity within our community to make a real-life difference.
We even dropped off our notes and goodies to Freddie the dog - who wanted to say a WOOF and a big THANK YOU to everyone!
Church School Festival for Year 6
A time for Year 6s to gather as they begin to look to their transition to Secondary School at the end of this term was so valued by all Year 6s today.
We took our school banner and spent time in the cathedral - we sang, we worshipped, we prayed, we laughed and we all encouraged Mrs Shaw as she had to read to the entire cathedral! We were fascinated by the scale of the building and the beauty of the hand made carvings and cheeky additions made by the stone masons!
A truly wonderful day out with the community of church schools!
Our Steward of Hope for April
Our Steward of Hope for March
This month our Steward of hope has inspired us to reach for our goals. We have thought about Leah Williamson's achievements as a Lioness and how we can set our sights high to work hard towards our goals, hopes and dreams.
Our Steward of Hope for February
Our Steward of Hope for January
Marie Curie - who was the youngest of five children - has been one of our most popular Stewards of Hope so far! Like many children in our school community, Marie had Polish heritage. We had a fantastic time this month exploring her scientific achievements and we found it strange to think that she was the first woman to do so many things - winning a Nobel and doing it twice! This was because of how women are equal in our community. We found exploring the protected characteristics interesting this week!
Steward of Hope for December
We have a special partnership with St Thomas' Church and representatives came into our school to teach us about the Christingle Orange. Every person in our school - whatever their religion - was given an orange to turn into a Christingle. Years 3 and 5 held services at the church for Christingle Worships...
Road Safety week Collective worship by the Mini Police
Welcome to road safety week at St Thomas'!
The MiniPolice launched this week of road safety awareness with two different collective worships - one for KS1 and another for KS2. This week, there will be daily activities relating to this week-long Safe and Secure week. With a lorry visit on Monday and then year groups going out to cross different roads in the local area, these Stewards of God have been an encouragement to us all in our reflections this week.
Our Steward of Hope for November
A visit from Sunita - learning about Diwali and Puja
We have had a visit from Sunita! We had the most fantastic time joining in with the telling of the story of Rama and Sita. Following this, Sunita showed us a puja tray and demonstrated how she would pray at home.
Stewards of God - exercising our democratic vote to choose our leaders
At St Thomas', we have plenty of opportunities to be a leader - both in the classroom and in the wider school community. To become a leader, we had to fill in an application form, be short-listed, interviewed and voted for. We take our British Value of democracy very seriously at St Thomas'!
Our Steward of Hope for October
Each of us have imagined what we would draw if we had a magic pencil, just like Malala talks about in her book.
'I would draw a magic porridge pot so that no-one would be hungry.' E Year 1
'If I had a magic pencil, I would draw beautiful school buildings for both boys and girls all around the world.' Lacie Year 6
Harvest Festival
Year Two have shown courageous advocacy in leading our school community to make a difference to the wider community. By looking in and reflecting on ourselves, we have then (as a school) been able to look outwards and beyond to make a difference to those in need. We have thanked God for the harvest and for the careers opportunities that living in an agricultural area brings.
The Hope Awards
Our new school year has begun with the re-launch of our Friday Celebration collective worship. We are now hosting a weekly 'Hope Awards' Worship that directly celebrates those who have flourished during the week through our school's vision of 'Encouraging each other, overflowing with hope.'
In addition to these awards, we are also collecting house points as a cathedral team (St Paul's, Lincoln, Winchester and Canterbury).
Our Steward of Hope for September
'I want to be like Markus Rashford and other footballers like Ronaldo. They use their fame and money to be influencers but for good causes. He didn't need to help people at the food bank but he did to set an example.' Radostins Y5
'I'm really glad our steward of hope for September is Markus Rashford. I think his books are super.' Year 3 pupil.
Deepening Tolerance
As part of our Deepening Tolerance Week, Reverend Sally asked us to remember how it felt coming into school when we were in Reception. We discussed and reflected about how we learned to learn, work together and make friends. We quickly realised that we grew as a person - understood friendship, cared for one another and showed respect to others. We then discussed how Jesus realised he had to do the job that God wanted him to do - he needed a team too. He picked his cousins - they were always fighting - Jesus knew he could trust them despite the fighting , he met fishermen - Peter and Andrew - Peter struggle to learn - had to have things repeated him often and Jesus did love Peter but sometimes found himself frustrated . Interestingly, Jesus’ team were wound up by lots of individuals but they had to trust Jesus. Eventually they learnt how to respect, trust and tolerate each other through Jesus’ leadership.
Foot washing for Maunday Thursday
As we prepare for the events of Easter, just like in the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet to represent washing away sins and forgiving people, Reverend Jane demonstrated this wonderful act. The children tried to imagine what it must have felt like at that poignant moment. We quiet prayers and were encouraged to reflect on our own lives too.
Ash Wednesday
Reverend Jane came into school to speak to us all about the meaning behind Ash Wednesday. She taught us how it begins the Lenten period of the Christian calendar leading up to Easter. It helps Christians reflect on their behaviours just like the sins looking for forgiveness from God.
Feeding of the 5,000
Reverend Sally shared with us today the wonderful story of feeding the 5,000. The children were reflectful about how sharing can aid others inside and outside the school community. The miracle that Jesus performed highlighted just how important kindness is and helped us think about what we could do for others. We discussed how God blesses us when we share.
Year 2 have been very proud to lead our school's harvest thanksgivings this year. From their learning in RE and what harvest is like around the world, they were able to share with the school, and the community, a time of gratitude and thankfulness... They lead the way with their harvest donations to the local food bank and would like to offer their thanks to Reverend Sarvanathan for coming to share what a multifaith harvest in Sri Lanka is like.
God's faithfulness - Moses as a baby
During our Thursday worship slots when Reverend Sally and Reverend Jane are not able to visit, we have been enjoying exploring our Big Frieze in the hall with Mrs Morris. Today we explored the third panel and God's faithfulness to Moses from the time when he was a baby...
Ignation -imagining the stories of Jesus
Reverend Sally helped us to visualise what it might have been like to be part of the crowd who visited the lake side to listen to Jesus speak... we imagined what it might be like to have been there when the five loaves and two fish were blessed by Jesus and shared out by the disciples.
Interviews and votes - democratically choosing the Stewards of God
As a part of our selection process, external visitors were invited into school to short list the applications for the different leadership roles across school. PCSO Neil and Reverend Jane have been two of our special guests to interview the candidates this year before classes have voted democratically for leaders.
Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
During the period of National Mourning, we have taken time to reflect on who Her Majesty was to us as individuals, as a school community and as a Nation. Using the resources provided by the Diocese, each class reflected and created prayers and art work in memory of Queen Elizabeth II...
Our New Logo Launches... September 2022!
We have returned to learning this year with an exciting addition to the school- the brand, new logo featuring the St Thomas’ dove.
The school logo itself was carefully deigned and chosen by the children who were led by the Church-School council. The selected a dove holding an olive branch to be the focus of the logo so that it would reflect the school’s vision of, ‘Encouraging each other, overflowing with hope.’
The launch of the new logo led to a very exciting event afterschool – the real-life St Thomas’ dove came to visit the school! The school community and the wider community gathered together to celebrate the new logo and to share the vision together. The school’s choir sang and the Church-School council led the people gathered in prayers and shared the journey of the logo.
The event came to a climax when the dove was released out into the world to spread encouragement and hope. One child reflected on the event, saying: ‘It was amazing to see the real St Thomas’ dove go out into the community. I hope this helps us to make a difference to people in school and in the community too.
The school is continuing to celebrate its new feathery friend and hopes that the children’s ownership of the logo will help them to live out their vision of encouraging each other, overflowing with hope.
Oh when the Saints....
During Collective Worship, there are always plenty of opportunities for our Leaders to deliver our still time. The House Captains and the Vice House Captains came together to talk to us all about the importance of Saints and how we can each be considered a Saint within the Christian Family.
Deepening Tolerance Week 2022
During this week, each year group has learned about someone who has faced adversity due to their race, religion, beliefs, ability, gender or sexual orientation. Each daily collective worship focussed on how these people are inspirational to us and by the end of the week, we were able to build upon our prior knowledge to apply their inspirational stories to our own world-views.
Year 6 have looked at the 9 protected characteristics and have debated their importance; they decided that the 2010 Equality Act needed to be updated to include the fact that sizeist attitudes should not be tolerated in society.
Reading hooked each year group in as we all visited The Library to reveal clues that would eventually lead us to a story about our focus person of the week...
Keeping safe online - Digital Leaders worship
Prayers for Peace
The Children of St Thomas' responded to the conflict that has been in our news by requesting that the Key Stage Two collective worship be cancelled this week so that we could have a 'drop in' prayer session. The children reached out to Reverend Jane and the Church School Council worked with the Language Ambassadors to be able to create a chance for parents, pupils and the school community to pray for peace.
Our Prayers for Peace on the news
The seven 'I am's of Jesus
During term three, we have been learning about who Jesus said he was - and what that meant for people 2,000 years ago and what that means for people today.
Here are some responses from children from some of our Collective worships that have been led by Reverend Sally, Reverend Jane, Miss Kelly, Mrs Shaw (and her puppet Sid) and members of the Church School Council.
'I am the Light of the world...'
"Sid wants to shine like a light to make the world a brighter place so he uses Jesus' light." Willow, Year 2
'I am the bread of life...'
"We need to eat or we are hungry." Leo, Year 1
"I notice that Jesus talks about bread at the last supper too. He says that he is the bread then the disciples eat it." Vasile, Year 4
'I am the good shepherd...'
" Jesus told this story so that the people who were shepherds would understand. They know what it is like to protect and care for their sheep so he used this story for them to understand God's love." Oliver, Year 6
'I am the gate...'
'I am the vine...'
"It felt very special when we all held onto the ribbon. We were all connected like being branches on a vine." Freddie, Year 5
"If a branch is removed from the vine, it will not receive any nutrients. Eventually it will wither and die and it will not bear any fruit." Sophie, Year 6
'I am the way, the truth and the life'
"I am the resurrection and the life...'
Chinese New Year
At St Thomas', we have been excited to examine how Chinese New Year - which is a cultural celebration different to the New Year Celebrations in England - shares so many similarities to how we celebrate and how different religions celebrate their festivals of light too!
Gift-giving, fire works, traditional dances and decorations are all a part of so many celebrations. Even though people around the world may move to different countries and take their traditions with them, really all of us celebrate in the same human way: we come together to share in joy!
Junior Safe Guarding Officers and Digital leaders: Safe online choices
During this time of Advent, we have each had time to be still and to reflect. We have enjoyed coming together as a school family to be still at such a busy time of year. Children in Years Reception, One, Three and Five have prepared Nativities, Carol services and Christingle services in partnerships with the local community and our local church of St Thomas.
Spirited Arts Winner
What a wonderful way to keep up with current affairs: we have launched Picture News across the school. Each week, the discussion picture (linked to the news) leads us to explore British values, our rights according the the UN Rights of the child and how, through our core values, we can encourage each other to be overflowing with hope as we look at different people from The Bible. These Bible stories, examples, mistakes and triumphs are all lessons we can learn from to enrich our school community and our relationships with others.
Remembrance 2021
For Remembrance, Year 6 have opened a Poppy shop to raise funds for The Royal British Legion and the work they undertake to support Veterans and their families. The children have also devised, rehearsed and delivered a community service at St Botolph's Church and a service of Remembrance for the School.
The children have organised the creation of a new school cenotaph; they have decorated it thoughtfully and with deep reflection. The children also invited a veteran to be a part of our service as well as a member of the school family with close military connections.
October 2021
Harvest Around the World
What a wonderful way to begin October with a focus about Harvest! In class, the children all had a country which they researched or shared information about how harvest was completed. Prayers were written and shared and are now displayed in Hall.
YR – Great Britain Y1 - Australia Y2 – India Y3 - Poland Y4- Bulgaria Y5 - Ghana Y6 - Singapore |
Harvest in Poland
Year 2 celebrated in school and at St. Thomas' church through their performance in front of parents, which was just fantastic! It was well received and a beautiful message spread.We thank everyone for their contributions.
God's stewards, St. Thomas's disciples
As part of our vision of encouraging each other, the children after successfully applying and getting through the interview stages were awarded their leadership roles. The Collective Worship began by looking at Jesus and the work of the disciples. We are hopeful that we can all make a difference in our school community.
September 2021
Through September the core values of Trust and looked at Bible stories of the storm on the lake and Noah's Ark. The children have spoken about people who are trustworthy, practical ways we can show others that we are trustworthy and why it is important to trust others when working together. It was interesting watching them in their role play explaining how God trusted Noah.
We also looked at Respect in our own school and wider community including through other faith. We thought about what this looks like and how we will demonstrate this.
29th September -SIMCHAT TORAH
(Rejoicing with the Torah)
29th September -SIMCHAT TORAH
(Rejoicing with the Torah)
Big Question: What does it mean to be trustworthy?
We listened to Aesop's tale of the fox and the crow. We continued to explore the value of trust from our Collective worships at the begining of the week and answered our big question for the week.
Our value for the first week back is Trust. We listened to the wonderful story of Jonah and the whale and explored how God and Jonah put their trust in one another.
Making a difference to our environment, our world.
Today we read the story of 'The man who planted trees' from the Woodlands Trust. The pictures in this story are woodcuts. Woodcuts are a type of art print. Artists carve pictures or patterns onto a piece of wood, then cover it in ink and press it onto paper or cloth to create the print.
A whole forest was planted just by one man's small actions.
We discussed the message of the story and how some actions can make a big difference.
Making a difference
We started our week discussing 'I am a voice calling in the wilderness' John 1:23. We explored how using our voice can make a difference to ourselves and others.
Class Collective Worship
In our class collective worship this week, we continued exploring the value of unity through a 'Big Question'.
KS1: What makes us a school family?
KS2: What does unity mean to me?
This week in Collective Worship, we have explored the value of Unity.
Unity means being united and joined as a whole. We explored the story of Jesus' special friends and discussed how we show unity in our school family.
'And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.'
Colossians 3:14
St David's Day
Today is a special day within the Christian calendar. It is St David's Day. We looked at who he is and why is he important to both Christians and people who live in Wales. He is the patron saint of Wales.
In our Collective Worship we explored symbols further, and today we looked at the symbols in the religion of Hinduism and their importance.
Lenten Promises
We discussed the importance of Lent and how Christians would sacrifice (give up) something. We reflected on how we can make a difference through making promises to do something. For example: acts of kindness, giving away toys and clothes we no longer use.
The beginning of Lent
What a fantastic Collective Worship delivered by Mrs Morris. We discussed the what happens at the start of Lent. We began our journey with Shrove Tuesday. We watched Mrs Morris make some very delicious pancakes, as she discussed the importance of Lent.
Festivals of Islam
We explored key religious festivals, which are important within the religion of Islam. We explored the festivals of Ramadan and Eid.
What does it mean to be a shepherd?
In today’s Collective Worship, we discussed our Big Question of the week.
Thank you, God,
That you are like the very best shepherd-
you give us everything we need.
You lead us along safe paths,
and we don’t need to be afraid,
because you are with us wherever we go.
Thank you, God, our shepherd.
We read David and Goliath in our story time today and explored David’s acts of compassion towards others.
Holy Symbols
Today with Miss Bunn and Sid we explored different symbols within other world religions.
The Good Samaritan
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8
Today we explored the story of the Good Samaritan. A story of compassion, trust, forgiveness and kindness. We discussed how we give random acts of kindness throughout our day.
Big Questions on Forgiveness
How did God show forgiveness in the story of Jonah? https://request.org.uk/restart/2020/03/26/bible-quest-jonah/
God forgave Jonah and he also forgave the Ninevites for their behaviour. He gave them both second chances. Today we discussed:
This week our theme is Forgiveness. Today we read the story of Jonah and the whale. We explored how God forgave Jonah for trying to run away, because he didn’t want to go to Nineveh. We discussed what forgiveness means and ways it can be shown.
Holy Books
In our Collective Worship today, we explored other religious worldviews. With Miss Bunn we explored holy books from different religions.
A wonderful Christingle Service delivered by Reverend Jane, Trevor and the Y6 School Council members. We celebrated together today to remember Jesus is the light of the world. We sang two beautiful songs and listened to Bible readings and prayers.
A lovely Collective Worship delivered by Reverend Jane. We discussed how Christians prepare for Jesus coming at Christmas time.
As we light the first candle on our Advent Wreath, we reflect upon Jesus being the light in our lives and pray together.
Lord Jesus, Light of light,
you have come among us.
Help us who live by your light
to shine as lights in your world.
Glory to God in the highest.
St Andrew’s Day
A saint is a person who is recognised as having an exceptional degree of holiness or closeness to God. In today’s Collective Worship, we explored who Saint Andrew was and why he is celebrated on the 30th November. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, who dedicated his life to sharing the religion of Christianity. He followed Jesus for the rest of his life.
We discussed the following question:
Anti-Bullying Week
What a brilliant Collective Worship delivered by Mrs Shepherd. It was great to hear the children’s thoughts and opinions. We certainly do need to be united against bullying.
Remembrance Service
This week Year Six have delivered a poignant Remembrance Service. We have been so proud of Year Six! Well done for your maturity and respect of sharing your messages of remembrance, peace and hope.
A Time of Remembrance
Coming together as a school community to reflect upon and remember all those in the armed forces, past and present. We will remember them.
Deepening Tolerance
A super Collective Worship delivered by Reverend Jane today. Discussing diversity, with reference to a variety of beautiful flowers. Flowers can teach us many things about community: flowers are all different but they are better together in unity.
Harvest of Hope
Our beautiful prayers and artwork displayed at the Stump.
Deepening Tolerance Week
Deepening Tolerance Week is off to a great start. In Collective Worship today we discussed our community and the diversity we have within it. We discussed that showing respect to others, those who are similar and those who are different, has a positive impact. Let’s all choose to be respectful of all people and demonstrate tolerance and make a positive difference to the nation we live in. It is the right of all people to live a happy, safe, healthy and fulfilling life and it is all of our responsibility to do all we can to protect the rights of all human beings.
Harvest of Hope
This year the whole school focus is on hope. We wanted to share our creations with the community.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 created some lovely Harvest cards. Year 5 have written beautiful poems, which were inserted into the cards. These were shared with the surrounding community.
Year 3 and Year 4 have written some thought provoking prayers and Year 6 created some stunning perspective artwork. The prayers and artwork were shared with St Botolph's.
Church School Council Elections
A fantastic Collective Worship delivered by Reverend Jane about how we learn from the life of Jesus.
Welcome back to a brand new school year!