Term 2
Qu’est ce que tu portes aujord’hui?
Within our French unit, we are learning the vocabulary for items of clothes as well as expressing some of our opinions on them!
Can music help us to process life’s big emotions?
This term we are leading a thanksgiving service at the Stump to mark Armistice day as well as holding a remembrance service for the school during Collective Worship. Therefore, we are using our Music unit to sing in harmony, holding our part within an increasingly complicated ensemble, to explore how music can be a tool for healing.
Does a heart’s rate always stay the same?
Our knowledge of animals, including humans, will deepen this term as we learn about the circulatory system within our Science unit this term.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
How do I know if a relationship is healthy?
The unit we are studying this term will further support us to develop a clear understanding of what a healthy relationship looks like. Last term, we discussed and explored healthy, romantic relationships; this term, we will focus on peer relationships.
Here we are joining in an online webinar for Anti-bullying week on the protected characteristics
Religious Education (RE)
What does it mean if God is holy and loving?
Within our lessons, we are studying the unit of Understanding Christianity: God. We shall be exploring what the key words omniscient, omnipresent and eternal mean and how different Christian denominations worship God.
Here we are exploring and learning about the liturgy and traditions of infant baptism in the Anglican Church
Arch Bishop Award – Young Leaders
Following on from our work in year 5, we have been working on completing our Archie Award for Young Leaders. We have organised a trip to the local care home. During our visit, we lead the residents in a service for remembrance.
How does war force civilisations to develop?
Through the power of story, we are working as Historians this term. We are exploring the role of people from Boston in The Great War through the artefact boxes given to us by the Parish of Boston. We have been to the Stump to showcase our learning to our family and the community. We have also taken place in a murder mystery to solve who was responsible for the outbreak of World War One.
Working with The University of Lincoln - Community art project... mooo!

Writing Sonnets for Remembrance