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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

PSHE (including RSE)

'Look at situations from all angles and you will become more open.'


Dalai Lama


At St Thomas’ we place PSHE at the centre of everything we do. Through the provision of a spiral curriculum, children will have the skills and knowledge to enable them to reach their full potential academically, socially, physically and emotionally. Children are encouraged to articulate their thoughts, opinions and emotions enabling them to flourish in their school community in readiness for the wider society.


The curriculum equips children with the skills to become healthy, happy, independent members of society with the ability to keep themselves safe. It influences on both the academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.



We build skills and knowledge through providing opportunities and experiences for children to explore their own identity whilst understanding the importance of diversity and equality in the wider society. To feel empowered to make healthy balanced lifestyle choices with awareness of the physical, mental, social and emotional implications.


We have worked with the guidance given by the PSHE Association to create a spiral, progressive curriculum which revisits core concepts of Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World, through the different year groups constantly building upon existing knowledge and skills which have been taught previously.


We personalise our curriculum where appropriate to meet the ever-changing modern world as well as taking into consideration different cohorts needs and experiences.

With teaching, activities and our enhanced curriculum, high levels of oracy, children’s aspirations and confidence is promoted whist being embedded in experiences which develop and improve their cultural awareness.


Fundamental knowledge and skills within the EYFS

At St Thomas’ children have an awareness of feelings and are learning how to express them whilst regulating their own emotions and behaviour. They have increased confidence to try new activities showing readiness and resilience in the face of a challenge. Children can manage their own basic needs and are beginning to understand the components which make up a healthy lifestyle. Children are given the opportunities and experiences to explore play, whilst working with others to enable them to form positive relationships.



Teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. (RSE 2020).


Children need to understand that Relationships have a central role to how a child behaves with and learns from others. The ability to form positive relationships with others will give children the potential to flourish in wider society. It is of core importance that children are aware of negative relationships, the impact they can have and strategies to manage them.

Health and Wellbeing

‘Teaching pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing is to give them the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.’

‘teaching the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing. Teachers should be clear that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health.’ (RSE 2020)


Children need to know that their physical and mental health directly impacts their ability to feel happy, safe and secure. Children should be able to make educated choices to enable them to achieve positive physical and mental wellbeing and identify the factors which may negatively impact this.

Living in the Wider World

‘the theme as a whole remains vitally important for pupils’ personal development and economic

Wellbeing’(PSHE Association PoS)


Through Living in the Wider World children will learn how to set aspirational goals for their future steps in the wider society. Children will learn about wider communities and the importance of rules and laws within these, including online. Children will learn about strategies to achieve both socially and economically.


Our children will have the knowledge and skills to lead ambitious, healthy, independent lives. They will have the tools they need to challenge different spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues which they may face through modern life, having the confidence in themselves and oracy skills to voice their own views and opinion.


From experiences and exposure to different issues children will become tolerant and respectful of the diverse lifestyles people may live which are different from their own. Children will be able to approach a range of real-life situations with an understanding of their own emotions with strategies to manage them, looking after their own mental health and wellbeing.


This is not the fully mapped out version due to copyright.

Please see in school.
