Term 4
Observational Drawings
Retrieval of flower names started our Art today as we named and discussed the features of different flowers. We were also able to make connections to our work in RE on creation and revelled in the array of wonderful flowers around us.
We used pencils to explore sketching of different flowers based on our observations, thinking about which will create the best lines for our lino print. We have continued to work on our lino cutting techniques by exploring the different blades, their width and the effect they create for us.
God the Creator
As we continue to explore Creation in RE, we began our lesson by being given parts of an item that we were instructed to make. We soon realised that the instructions were missing and while we could use some prior knowledge of what things look like, it was difficult to make.
"I think I know what I am doing but they're all different sizes so it's hard to know what to put where." Elsie
"There are so many parts- I don't know what to put where!" Connie
"We're trying to work out where the little pieces go, but if we get one wrong then it will all be wrong. There are no instructions so I'm working from memory because I know someone with a motorbike." Kaan
Recognising the need for instructions, we then reflected on Genesis 1 v 28-30 and what it tells Christians about their responsibility for Creation. In groups we sequenced statements that were most and least likely actions for Christians in their roles as stewards or caretakers of the World for God.
Care for plants and animals — they belong to God, but you are the gardeners and farmers.
"This is definitely what God wants Christians to do, if everyone takes care of part of creation it will all be looked after. God gave us this good world and we're destroying it. Global warming and pollution are having a big impact on the polar regions." Ethan and Kaan
"We have been given one world by God and he built it for us to teach us how to show care. We need to embrace the world and look after it for others." Connie
We also felt that sharing the food we have on Earth is important and people should not be greedy.
We are looking forward to sharing ideas about how we can act as stewards and caretakers of the world for God.
Trade in Ancient Egypt

How do we know Ancient Egyptians traded?
What a fascinating lesson! We began by being History detectives. Given a small piece of an object from Ancient Egypt, we were challenged to complete the sketch of it, questioning what it was and what it was made from. We then identified each object and were interested to find out how they had been discovered, some very recently! Our favourite was the anchor found by a vet taking a morning swim in the Mediterranean!
Identifying that Ancient Egypt trade gold, linen, papyrus and grain, we wondered how they were able to craft objects from other materials and also questioned how Ancient Egyptian objects were found in other countries.
Trade was the answer! We know that wood, particularly cedar wood was very difficult to come by for Ancient Egyptians however it was needed to build furniture and boats. By trading with other countries they were able to get what they needed. We were also intrigued to find that Ancient Egyptians did not trade far, but kept close to the Nile. This allowed us to make comparisons with our prior learning about Vikings as traders and discuss some of the similarities and differences.
Maths- Equivalent Fractions

In Maths this week, we continue our learning about fractions. We have used fraction walls to find equivalent fractions, drawn them out pictorially and shaded fractions to see the relationship between them. Applying our knowledge of multiplication and division, we have identified improper fractions and how we can record mixed number fractions.
Identifying household products around the home, we explained which were helpful and how they could also be dangerous. Focusing on medication, we discussed how they can be helpful but also cause harm if they are not taken correctly and the need for adult supervision at all times. Looking at packaging, we were able to identify some of the important information on them that helps us to be safe when using them.
Where is Egypt?

Using the atlas, we were able to identify Egypt on a map of the world. We then zoomed in to amps of Ancient Egypt and Egypt today to begin to explore some of the similarities and differences and how their settlements had an effect on trade. Using digimaps, we were able to look at the population density of Egypt today and could clearly see how life is still very much centred around the River Nile.
Why are teeth different shapes?

This week in Science, we began to work as biologists as we explored the role of each of our teeth when eating and how this aids digestion. We began by looking at our teeth and then observed ourselves and others eat an apple. We identified our different teeth, what they are like and how their design aids us as we eat. Using our findings we were able to write a note to the tooth fairy to explain why the teeth she collects are different shapes.
How do you create a program on logo?

This week we developed our skills further by exploring the use of text-based language to create a program. Using the text-based language we were able to program the turtle to write a range of letters. It really tested our problem-solving skills as we needed to put the pen up and down to show the correct lines.
Exploring light and dark with paint.
After exploring the different painting styles of Jackson Pollock and Leonardo da Vinci, we explored paint to create our own work based upon the theme of electricity. Some of us chose to explore the abstract style of Pollock, whilst some of us looked at using acrylic paint to create light and shadow using different shades of colour.
This term we reflect on the wonder of creation in RE. We began by going outside to look at the wonderful shades of creation, matching paint swatches closely to creation, allowing us to really look at the world around us. We then chose some of the things in our school that we are really grateful for, followed by other things in the world that make us go wow! We had time to draw some of these, discussing how wonderful they are with our peers. Closing our eyes and relaxing we were taken on a guided visualisation which focussed on the creation story from the Bible.
I wonder... what do you love about creation?
What does the wonder of creation tell us about God?
History- What is a civilisation?

As we begin to explore trade in Ancient Egypt, we began by establishing what made an ancient civilisation. Working as Historians, we considered a range of evidence, establishing what it told us about a civilisation. Writing, settlements, farming and buildings were all important when creating a civilisation based upon peace. We began to consider our big question about the role of trade in Ancient Egypt and why it was so important.
'I am the vine.'
Last term we learnt about some of the 'I am...' sayings of Jesus during collective worship. We recalled each of them and discussed what they mean to us today and how they tell us more about the person Jesus was. We then focused on the description Jesus used of him being the vine. We remembered the collective worship, led by Rev. Jane, where she passed around a long reel of ribbon to show how we are all connected. We reflected on what this might mean for us at St Thomas'. We thought about how we are all connected as a family with each other and also with God through our links to church and our actions in doing what he would do. Spending time reflecting further, we produced some artwork based up on this saying.
The Day of Ahmed's Secret- role play

In English, we began to explore the book, The Day of Ahmed's Secret. After finding that his secret had been learning to write his name, we were amazed that some children around the world will not go to school but have to work, which may result in them not learning to write their name. Getting into character as Ahmed and his family, we were able to role play the big reveal of his secret. We explored what each member of his family may say to him and how they would feel about him learning to write his name.
After thinking about their pride, we also explored how some members of his family may be worried, annoyed or jealous, after all, they may not be able to write their name and they clearly rely on him to go out t work to provide for the family.
We have now got into character as a family member, writing a letter to Ahmed to tell him how we feel about his secret. We look forward to sharing them with you.
Maths- Exploring Area

In Maths this week, we began to explore area. We were able to find the area of simple shapes by counting the squares and applying our knowledge of multiplication facts. We developed this further during problem solving activities to discover how many different shapes we could create with an area of 6. We used post it notes in pairs to represent the squares to support us as we explored the different shapes we could make, representing them by drawing them into our books.
Computing Logo

This term we begin our new Computing unit of learning as we explore Logo. We learnt the commands and practised using them as we programmed the turtle to move in different directions, turn and begin to draw shapes.
Tennis- Forehand
To develop hitting the ball using a forehand.
We began our new PE unit of tennis by developing our skill of underarm throwing, as we worked in pairs to feed the ball to our partner who caught it on their tennis racket. We developed this further by exploring the forehand stroke. With our partner, one of us started with the ball and racket, carefully tipping the ball from the racket, allowing it to bounce one before practising our forehand to send the ball to our partner. The aim for our partner was to catch the ball after one bounce. We then played a game as a class. Using cones to create a net, we had to tip the ball from the racket and hit it over the cones. After one bounce, those on the other side of the cones had to try and catch the ball. We loved developing our skills and look forward to working on this skill further in our next lessons.
Encouraging each other...

We loved making the most of wet playtime to encourage one another to play games! It was great to have time to share in games and discussion after our half term break, allowing us to demonstrate all of our core values.