Term 1
Maths - Grouping and sorting
In Maths, the children used the objects to sort and group according to their own ideas. We had everything from size, colour and shape. They certainly had some excellent ideas! This week we have been learning how to find one less by counting backwards. We have been outside using giant number lines and creating our own number tracks with large numbers. The children loved calling out a number and then jumping backwards as they counted.
After reading 'Clicker Cat' and the guidance of Super Spud, the children were able to discuss and sort scenarios that would be safe and not safe. Well done Year One.
English - The Three Little Pigs
Building on the work of Reception, the children were able to predict the story from the clues hidden in the box. They then went onto answer questions about the text and characters showing a secure understanding.
Big Question: How can I identify a variety of materials based on their properties?
Which materials can be recycled?
Year 1 started their Science learning by exploring a range of objects and identifying the materials they were made from. The children were able to use vocabulary such as `glass`, `wood`, `material,` `plastic` and `metal` and started to explore their properties. Throughout the year we shall also be making observations of the different seasons and weather. We have also been on a walk around the playground looking for different materials and then using some amazing vocabulary we were able to describe the properties of the different materials.
PSHE - Who cares for me?
In PSHE, the children were talking about and discussing who cared about them and kept them safe. They were very clear about who these were and made great representations.
ART - Balloon Dog
The children have begun their sculpture work by exploring the oval shapes and sketching them. We practiced and rehearsed this before adding watercolour to it.