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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 5

Art- sculpture

Big Question: How can sculpture unite people?


This term in Art, we will be looking at the work of Lorenzo Quinn, an Italian sculptor. We will work as sculptors as we study how form, space, texture, colour, line, shape and pattern can be used to create meaningful sculptures that tell a story and express feelings to a group.


Road HOG visit for transition

PCSO visit

Music - The recorder

English - The Wizard of Oz

In English, we are using the classic text ‘The Wizard of Oz’ to inspire our own portal stories. Building upon last term’s knowledge of natural disasters, our very own characters are being swept away by tsunamis, swallowed by sink holes or transported through land shifting in earthquakes! 



We will be developing our tennis skills this term; focussing on our accuracy and footwork when playing tactically. 
