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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 3

Welcome back! We have a busy and exciting term planned!

5A enjoyed starting swimming this week and are already looking forward to their next session!



Historical Boston tour. 2.2.22

We all thoroughly enjoyed our historical tour last week of Boston. To be able to walk and see key areas of Boston was an exceptional experience. Many of us had been to Boston but had not looked and seen the features which hold significant details to our town. Fantastic questions were asked which supported deeper understanding of prior knowledge. Children were able to form links between their learning in the classroom and physical historical evidence that they could see and touch. 

This new knowledge will be used in future learning in Geography and History. 


The Young Leaders Award


This week we have started The Young Leaders Award. This award will enable our young people to understand that they have the power to change the world. Through this programme it will empower our young leaders to transform society and to inspire others to do the same. Throughout year 5 we will be building pupils leadership and character skills along with a growing of their confidence, resilience and empowerment of their fellow peers.


Our first challenge this week was to work within a team to build a tower of cups. Everyone was very confident until I advised them that they couldn't use their hands to touch the cups and could only use elastic bands! A few puzzled faces looked back at me! Four out of the five teams managed to stack their cups within three minutes! A fantastic discussion was then had regarding what worked well and what didn't within their teams.

Speeches week


5A have begun the term by delivering passionate persuasive speeches on deforestation.

The week begun by researching and watching speeches from Greta Thunberg and Sir David Attenborough. The children identified key features of a speech and used these to support their own speeches. To enable their speeches to be delivered, the children used prompt cards to write short reminders as they learnt that a speech is not read out. 

Every member of 5A stood in front of the class and delivered fantastic speeches using repetition, rhetorical questions, emotive language while also including facts and figures. Very proud to hear such confident oracy skills! 

Wow, this is passionate!

Still image for this video

Confident deliverance of their speech

Still image for this video

What connects England and the USA?

in Geography this term we will be uses maps and atlases to build our knowledge of the UK and the wider world. We will be using the eight points of a compass as well as six figure grid references to locate cities. 5A will understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the UK and a region within North America.

This week in Geography, 5A were able to find specific places using the index of an atlas. Once the children had located their required place they were able to use the six figured grid reference to locate within the atlas.
