Term 5
Term 5
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and were able to enjoy the sunshine. This term the children will be studying the city of London and comparing the human and physical features from the past. They will then become Historians and explore the event of The Great Fire of London that took place in the 17th century. The children are really excited about this subject and are looking forward to identifying the causes and the impact it had on society. In science we are learning all about animals including humans, we shall be looking at what animals need to survive along with the importance of exercise and a healthy diet.
The texts that we shall be reading this term include :'Little Beauty', 'Willy the Wimp', 'The Night Shimmy' and 'Look What I've Got'. These are all stories from the author Anthony Brown. The children will be reading these and then writing detailed character descriptions.
In Maths this term we shall be focussing on measurement.
PE- Every Tuesday and Friday
Please ensure all children have the suitable PE kit for both indoors and outdoors. All long hair must be tied back and earrings should be removed.
What a great start to the term!
Today we have been Historians. We have begun to look at how London has changed over the years. We began by discussing what we already know about London and if we have ever been there. We then were posed the question ’do we believe London has always been this way? ‘If not, how else might it have looked like? What would life have been like? We were then given a range of maps of London and asked to sort them into some kind of order. We then discussed the maps, going through each one and placing them in time order, discussing the features of each one. This sets the context of the past 2000 years of London’s History.
This week we have been looking at the Floris by Bernard Cohen and Landscape with Houses by Vincent van Gogh. We talked about how lines have been used in each drawing? Space? How texture has been created? We then tried to sketch our own versions.
This week in maths we are learning about length and height. Today we used a range of non-standard units to measure objects within the classroom. We talked about the best non-standard unit to use for each object, depending on its size. We then used the words longer, shorter and taller to compare the length and height of different objects.
We have now begun to learn how to measure in centimetres and metres. The children have been using the vocabulary 'longer, longest, shorter, shortest, taller and tallest' when measuring using the standard units.
In computing today, the children became computer designers! They talked about he different ways that we can write. The children then looked at a keyboard and how it is set out. The children practiced using a keyboard to type words. They then explored different keys to see what they did and what effect they had. The children exploring using enter, space bar and back space. In P.E this week the children have been practising their running techniques and the importance of working to their own personal best..
Reading Picnic!
Choose a book, sit back and relax and read!
Today the children all had a wonderful time choosing a new book to read from our library and then taking it outside and sharing their book with friends on the field.
Run, run, as fast as you can!
This week we are reading the text 'The Gingerbread Man' and then writing the instructions on how to make our own Gingerbread Man.
Today the children really enjoyed reading and following the instructions to make their own Gingerbread Man.
This week in History we have been looking at how London has changed since 1666.
We had a lovely surprise this week when Mrs Smith left us a present with a question mark, after unwrapping the first layer we discovered an envelope containing some words. We discussed the meaning of these and then made predictions about what the book was going to be about. Finally we unwrapped our special book and listened to it with joy. Thank you Mrs Smith! In Science this week we have been looking at the importance of exercise on our bodies.
Look at the amazing art work class 2T have been producing, I am so proud of them! This week we have been exploring vertical and horizontal lines and then applying this to the drawings of London buildings.
The children were very excited to have a special visitor. Fireman Hubbert came to visit year 2 and talk to the children about how fire fighting is similar and different to that in 1666. We discussed the uniform they wear, the safety equipment they use and how they actually fight fires.