Term 4
PSHE and Science: Making Healthy Choices
What is the impact of our life choices on our health?
Building upon our knowledge of how we can manage our mental health, we are now considering our physical health. Exercise, sleep and diet are key to being physically healthy; we know this already. We will now be advancing our understanding of physical health as we discuss how drugs can be helpful and harmful. We have already (in week 1) been visited and had a substance abuse workshop to understand drugs and risks that we may potentially face as we grow up
Geography: Natural Disasters
How do natural disasters change our world?
Our learning this term focuses on the potential destruction that nature can cause. After retrieving our knowledge from Year 4, where we learnt about Mt Etna in Italy, and retrieving our knowledge from Term One’s Geography learning about Mountains – here we are, furthering our knowledge. By understanding the structure of the Earth and how the movement of tectonic plates causes earthquakes and tsunamis. We will also be looking at hurricanes and tornadoes since we live in Britain’s tornado alley!
RE: Understanding Christianity – Digging Deeper
Are science and religion conflicting or complementary?
Continuing on from last term, we are digging deeper into the question: ‘Science and religion – conflicting or complementary?’ Many Scientists have become Christians following their study. The discoveries of Science make Christians wonder even more about the power and majesty of the creator.
Design Technology – Mechanisms
How does CAD support product design?
Following our DT project of making an electrical system (a car alarm) in Term 2, we thought that we should really make our own car with a moving mechanism. During this term, we will have to use CAD to design and create our product!
English – The Jabberwocky
Using the famous nonsense poem, The Jabberwocky (By Lewis Caroll), we are creating explanation texts for the boy to be able to go through the Tulgey wood to slay the manxome foe…
This term, we shall be retrieving our knowledge from last term relating to fractions, decimals and percentages while pressing on to learn more about converting measures, shape and algebra too!
Physical Education – Orienteering and Gymnastics (Mondays and Tuesdays)
Orienteering: Can we apply features of teamwork to orienteering?
In Year 5, we thoroughly enjoyed our orienteering learning and this year we are taking it even further. We are aiming to have a firm understanding of the map symbols and we are developing our team-work and communication so that we can be efficient and effective teams…
Gymnastics: What aspirations can you have when performing a routine?
Our gymnastics opportunities will be wide-ranging and be focussing particularly on paired and group balances this term.
Computing: Scratch
What is a variable?
Working as computer coders, we are making our own maze games with different variables and point-scoring options. We will be using sprites and code blocks to be able to create our very own games.