1T Gentleness Class
Welcome to Gentleness Class!
Class Teacher is: Mrs Tiwari
Teaching Assistant is: Miss Featherstone
Welcome back and we hope you had a lovely summer break.
It has been lovely to welcome back all of the children into their new classroom and listen to their stories from the summer. They have all settled extremely well and we are so proud of them.
We have lots of exciting activities planned so check the website regularly to see what we get up to!
In History we are exploring toys from the past and comparing these to toys we play with today, during our Science lessons we will be learning all about different materials and making observations of the different seasons and weather. In Art this term we are learning all about sculpture using the art work 'Balloon Dog and Brazilian Fish'. We shall be looking at relationships in our PSHE lessons and exploring Christianity in RE. In Music we will be listening to songs by Elvis and Whitney Houston and finally we will be exploring E-safety through our Computing unit and understanding how to keep safe.
We have PE twice a week so please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school. Long hair needs to be tied back and earrings must be removed please. PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday afternoon.
Phonics reading books will be given out and changed on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Reading for pleasure books will be given out and changed on a Friday.
To keep up to date with all of our achievements and celebrations please follow us on Twitter: @MrsMTiwari1