Honesty Class
Welcome back and what a pleasure it is to see the children again and their eagerness to learn. We are very excited to begin our school journey in KS2! We can't wait to explore all the exciting units across the different areas of the curriculum - we are especially excited for French!
A new term signals new opportunities for us to encourage one another throughout the different aspects of the school day so that each member of Honesty Class is ready to learn and prepared to flourish.
We hope you enjoy the school year alongside us and that you enjoy seeing how the children grow and flourish as they encourage one another.
Teacher - Mrs Milne
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Smith and Mrs Cundy
Homework and Spellings
On a Friday, spellings shall be sent home to be tested the following Friday. Homework will also be sent home on a Friday with the expectation that it is returned on the following Wednesday.
We expect that reading books are in school daily so that children can be heard read and books can be changed accordingly.
During Term 1, PE shall take place on a Monday (fitness) and a Tuesday (football). PE Kit will therefore need to be present in school on these days.