Mini Police
Mini police is a community cohesion project that has been running successfully in primary schools across Lincolnshire since September 2018.
It is a 14 lesson engagement programme delivered to primary-aged children, predominantly years five and six (ages 9-11) and includes whole school assembly talks covering kindness and safer strangers.
The programme runs for two years and has been delivered by local Police Community Officers to enable familiarity, local knowledge and confidence in the local policing teams. It has been designed around the concept of pupil voice so each school has a relevant and impactive experience.
Mini Police Lincolnshire has been aligned to the national Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education curriculum as it focuses on the children’s personal development, which helps children be more confident, resilient, independent and develop character. It also helps them to assess and challenge age appropriate risky situations.
We welcome our new Year 5's to our existing Mini Police Team, the children are ready and excited to begin their new roles across the school and the wider community, well done Year 5! Its great to have you on board!
The Mini Police team have started the term by taking part in a Junior Road Safety programme. This has included learning about Pedestrian safety and how to stay safe during the Winter months. The children were all awarded their Junior Road Safety Officer certificates and badges and are looking forward to leading their first collective worship this term.
Mini Police 2023-2024
Community Safety
The Mini Police have been out in the local community with PCSO Neil. They have been looking at how to keep their neighbourhood safe and spot potential risks. This involved speaking to members of our community and try and ensure that they are not a victim of crime, the identified some possible issues such as bicycles left out and windows left open. They then reported them to the home owners and keepers of the property.
Sun Safety
The Mini police led a Collective worship to both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 about the importance of keeping safe in the sun. They delivered important information about different ways that children can keep themselves safe such as sun cream, playing in the shade, keeping hydrated and trying to avoid being outside between the hours of 11am and 3pm.
The Mini police followed this up with a pupil interviews to ensure that the children had remembered the important information and the three key words of - Wrap, Splat and Hat!
Well done Mini police!