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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 2


We hope you had a lovely half term with your families and friends. This is a very exciting term with the lead up to Christmas, the children have so many nice art activities planned which we are sure they will love to show you at Christmas time. Along with this we shall be looking at the following texts: Gingerbread Man, Handa's Surprise and How the Grinch stole Christmas. In Maths we shall be continuing to work on our addition and subtraction skills.



Number bonds! In maths, the children have been practising their number bonds to ten using equipment to help them. We talked about following a systematic approach to ensure that we have found all of the possibilities. The children will then apply this knowledge to help them to solve more complicated calculations.


In history we have been introduced to Florence Nightingale. We started by listening to a story written by a soldier about what hospitals were like in the Victorian era. We used drama and role play to help us to imagine what it would have been like if we were in hospital then. We cannot wait to find out about the improvements that Florence made and the significant impact she had.


Emotions Workshop - Visitor! 

Year 2 had a fantastic friendship and emotions workshop. We found out about all the different emotions that we may feel and what they feel like. We talked about times that we have felt each emotion and then we practised using different strategies and tools that can help us when we are feeling anxious, angry or sad. 


PE - Yoga!

The children have made an excellent start to Yoga this term. We have started by recalling the 'sitting position' and focusing on our breathing at the start of sessions. Then, we have started to learn certain poses such as the boat and the seal. We have now started to put these poses into a sequence! 


Anti-Bullying Week 2023

Our school has taken part in a range of daily activities for anti-bullying week 2023. We started the week with a Collective Worship and an Odd Socks Day. Following this, we explored the qualities of a good friend and created a friendship recipe! We also read a brilliant book called 'Walk Tall' and finished by writing a letter of encouragement to Gemma Giraffe from the story. The children had some fantastic thoughts on what makes a great friend and who they should they speak to if they feel someone is being unkind repeatedly. 
