3M Honesty Class
Welcome to Honesty Class!
Class Teacher: Mr Shaw
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Smith
Welcome back to the Spring Term!
The children have returned back to school eager and full of smiles, ready to encourage each other and overflow with hope. As we continue our journey in Year Three, we look forward to sharing our learning journey with you. Please click on the star for each term below to find out more about our exciting learning.
Homework and Spellings
Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be handed back in by the Wednesday. Alongside homework, your child will be given spellings to practice.
PE Days
Please can we ask that the correct PE kit is to be in school ready for lessons at all times, this includes outdoor PE kit. Hair should be tied back and earrings removed.
PE is on a Tuesday and Friday.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact school where we will be happy to help you.
Follow our fun and learning on here and on our twitter pages too.