Term 4
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term.
This term the children will continue to be focusing on significant individuals who have made an impact on society today. We will be learning all about Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton, discussing what happened on their expeditions and how these explorers are perceived today.
We will be continuing to learn about different materials in our Science lessons
and will be focussing on investigations and fair tests. In Geography children will be using a range of sources to study a new area (North and South Pole). They will be making comparisons to our local area.. We will also be learning how to use an atlas to name and locate continents. Finally we will be learning to name and locate the five oceans of the world.
Our Maths learning this term will be continuing to learn about statistics and then moving on to shapes and fractions.
In design technology we have been exploring different joining techniques. The children had a go at gluing, taping and sewing fabric together and decided which one they thought was the best joining technique. This was in preparation for designing and making their own bags.
In PE this week, the children began learning about invasion games. We then practised working together to keep possession of the ball and how to keep it under control. We look at bouncing, throwing and dribbling.
In maths the children have been learning about shapes. As part of their learning, they explored making different shapes using geo boards, i-Pads and peg boards. The children then drew their own shapes thinking about the properties of each shape.
In geography, the children have been exploring atlases and maps. They have been labelling and locating the seven continents and five oceans in the world.
In science this week, we continued with our learning on materials. We looked at different kitchen towels and made predictions on which one we thought would be the most absorbent and why. We then carried out different experiments to test out the absorbency of each kitchen towel. The children were able to talk about how they would make sure it was a fair test.
In Design technology this week, we followed our designs to create a paper mock up of our bags. We thought about what we would add on to our bags. For example pockets and straps. Some of us found some problems with our bags and were able to solve the problem and how they would adapt their design.