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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 5

Term 5

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break! This term the children will become Historians and explore the event of The Great Fire of London that took place in the 17th century. The children are really excited about this subject and are looking forward to identifying the causes and the impact it had on society. In science we are learning all about animals including humans, we shall be looking at what animals need to survive along with the importance of exercise and a healthy diet. 


In English, we will be focussing on 'writing to inform'  and writing our own non-chronological reports and instructions.


In Maths this term we shall be focussing on fractions and time.


In  maths, the children have been learning all about fractions. They have used practical objects to help them to find a half and a quarter of a number. They have also, used cubes cubes to help them to find the whole!

Online Safety Workshop

Last week, we had a visitor from the Lincolnshire Safety Partnership who spoke to us about the importance of keeping safe online. We talked about ways that we can keep and safe and the trusted adults we can talk to if we see something that makes us feel worried or upset.

Net and Wall


The children became historians this week and looked at a range of sources to find out what evidence it gives us about The Great Fire of London. We discussed the best sources of evidence for each fact that we know about the great fire!
