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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 5

Welcome to the Summer Term!

We can't wait to continue sharing our learning with you.

What a great day we had outside all day visiting Snipedales!

This was a great opportunity for us to retrieve our knowledge of rivers as we identified some of the key features. We were then able to identify some of the living things found in the stream using a classification key, just like we have been exploring in our Computing lessons this term. We were also able to make connections to our learning in Science this term too.

Prayer and Reflection

Working as a class, we created our new reflection display area. After reading the book Bloom, by Anne Booth, we reflected on the kind words we could use to make one another bloom and flourish. Each of us created our own flower to show how we are all unique but together a beautiful team.

Reflecting on how we can use kind words to make others bloom!

History- Why was trade important to the Ancient Egyptians?

In History we begin to explore Ancient Egypt with a focus on trade and why it was so important for them. We begin by establishing what a civilisation is and how evidence found proves that Ancient Egypt was. As we begin to explore trade, we are able to make comparisons with other times in History and the importance of it.

How do we know they traded in Ancient Egypt?

Exploring pieces of artefacts, we used our knowledge to draw what we thought the whole artefact might have been. We thought about what it was made from, who may have used it and how it may have been used. 

After hearing about where some of these ancient Egyptian items have been found over the years and where in the world they were, we realised that Egyptians have been trading for thousands of years. Egypt was rich in papyrus, gold, grain and linen which were all valuable to trade with.

We identified some of the things we know Egyptians used and where they would have traded with in order to get them, for example cedar wood, oil, horses and lapis.

Reflecting on the usefulness of trading, we were able to discuss the importance and how in particular cedar wood was fundamental for the growth of Egypt's wealth.

How were Egypt able to build their civilisation?

A main part of creating a civilisation was the buildings built for a particular purpose. We explored how Egypt was able to build a civilisation through its resources and the trading it was able to do to generate wealth.

Understanding the importance of the inundation, we were able to identify the importance of farmers and their role in growing enough food for all so that some people could train in other professions like architects, scribes and craftsmen.

Science- Living Things and their Habitats

Are some animals more alike than others?

This term we are able to apply lots of prior learning from Science as we begin to classify different animals. We began by identifying the six main groups of animals and what they have in common. This is a great way of sorting animals into different groups and classifying them.

Sorting the six groups of animals, identifying similarities and differences.

In our second lesson, we retrieved information about the different diets of animals and identified them as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. This gave us the opportunity to retrieve learning from last terms learning about animals including humans too. Working in groups, we then sorted animals according to diet to see similarities and differences between the different groups of animals.

What living things can we find?

Exploring the school grounds, we were able to identify and name some of the living things found there. We then chose some to begin to sort and classify. This enabled us to use what we had learnt in computing, to formulate effective questions with yes or no answers.

RE- Pilgrimage- How do pilgrimages fulfil religious duty?

This term we learn all about Pilgrimage for different faiths and those of no faith. We begin by identifying places that are special to us and the significance they hold. We will then learn about Jerusalem as a place of pilgrimage for different faiths. Rev Jane will visit school and share with us some information about her pilgrimage to Lindisfarne and the significance it holds for her. To end this half term, we will visit Walsingham and take part in our own Pilgrimage. 

This term provides great opportunities for retrieval of prior learning as we have learnt about the importance of Hajj for the Muslim community and how Lindisfarne was significant in Viking Britain.

Where is a special place for you?

PSHE-Living in the Wider World

Is your freedom of choice controlled online?

This term our PSHE will focus around belonging to a community and what makes a community. We began by learning about the different groups we belong to and how it feels to be part of a community. We read the story of Beegu and identified how she began to feel welcomed and who it was that accepted her.

In our second lesson, we began to explore the theme of community. Discussing what a community is, we decided that it was a group of people who loved together with shared values and agreed rules. In group we created our own communities, thinking of everything that needed to be in them to meet the needs of everyone in the community. 


Swimming- Why is coordination important to swimming?

Athletics-Why is fitness important in athletics?


The Summer Term is the perfect time to work on our fitness outside as we learn new skills for athletics.

We have begun by working on our stamina for running, identifying a good running style.

French- Quel temps fait il?

This term we will begin to talk about the weather in French. 

Using the question, 'Quel temps fait il?' we were able to ask our partners what the weather was like in different French cities. Using the weather map provided we answered the question, giving the weather in French so that our partner could complete their weather chart.

Music- Ukulele

Do major and minor chords change the mood of a song?

Art- How are architecture and sculpture similar?

Studying the work of Hermann Finsterlin, we will know some of the key features of his architecture and use his sketchbook work as a stimulus for our own ideas. Applying some of his ideas we will create our own small sculptures based on our architectural ideas.

In our first lesson, we explored the sketchbook designs of Finsterlinn. We learned that many of his ideas were from his dreams and inspired by nature. We then worked in our sketchbooks to explore the shape and colour he used.

How did Finsterlin create space?

Exploring the deep and shallow space Finsterlin had created in his sketches, we chose our favourite one to draw enlarged. This enabled us to explore his use of line and shape for his designs that made them so unique.

Exploring Finsterlin's Inspiration From Nature

Making observations of leaves, petals, fir cones, acorns, shells and other items found in nature, we made observational sketches of them, paying particular attention to the shapes we could see.

Our sculptures based on the work of Hermann Finsterlin.

Computing- How are databases useful?

After exploring effective questioning that give yes, no answers to enable us to sort and group items, we began to use them on the software. We used 'Does it..?' and 'Can it...?' questions to sort a group of items effectively.

Creating Branching Databases

English- Writing to Entertain

To begin this term we will write a short story to share with pupils in keystage one. After reading humorous stories, we will identify ways authors create humour and apply some of these ideas to our own writing.

Reading and identifying humour in texts.
