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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 1


In our first Maths lesson of Year 4, we looked at how to represent 3 and 4-digit numbers. We explored the range of objects that we have in the classroom nd represented numbers in a variety of ways.


In English, we have started our learning reading Beowulf. We have learnt of the terrible attacks of Grendel and how he is destroying Heorot. In this lesson, we are looking at a range of texts so we can decide what their purpose are and whether that is the text type we want to write in. As a class, we decided that it is best to write a Wanted Poster to make people aware of Grendel.

We have continued our work on Beowulf by designing a wanted poster to make people aware of the dangers of Grendel. We described his appearance, personality and actions to make people aware how gruesome he truly is. We of course had to do some acting!



Science was very exciting today! We looked at what materials are solids and which are liquids. We then discussed what makes up a solid and a liquid. An interesting conversation was had regarding sand and whether it is a solid or a liquid as you can pour sand. We then discussed how some materials are hard to classify such as jelly and shaving cream (especially when it is on Mr Shortland's face!)

Religious Education


In our first lesson of History, we were very excited to start our learning of Anglo-Saxons! We started looking at one of the greatest mysteries around the Anglo-Saxons....who was buried at Sutton Hoo? Under a mound of earth, a ship was found with artefacts that would suggest a noble man was buried there. Evidence suggests that it was a King with Christian and Pagan links. We took part in our own dig so that we knew how people felt when they made the find themselves!





In our first Fitness lesson with Mr Shortland, we set ourselves challenges to complete a variety of exercises to give ourselves a baseline. We ran shuttle runs, laps around the field, stork balance test, catching a ball in a minute and an agility test. We were all very tired at the end of the session!
