Term 4
We welcome you back to another term! We will begin to explore different types of vehicles, from the past and the present. We look forward to a walk to our local church ahead of Easter celebrations and plenty of opportunities for identifying signs of spring. With world book day ahead of us, we will continue to enjoy some new stories including ‘Mr Wolf's Pancakes’ and some non-fiction texts all about transport. In maths we begin to build the numbers 9 and 10, not forgetting 3D shapes to learn all about! Our children will continue to engage in independent learning opportunities within out indoor and outdoor learning areas… Photos of this will be uploaded weekly to showcase our fantastic learning!
Maths Bingo
The children were so quick to identify the number and count the number of objects, fingers and recognise the number whilst playing the game of Bingo. It got very competitive!
As part of their physical development, the children explored how their body could wiggle, shake, bend, spin and jump. An excellent session had by all.
Mr Wolf's Pancakes -tasting
After reading the book of Mr Wolf's Pancakes, the children felt, smelt and tasted the pancakes. They described them as 'fluffy, spongy, soft, sweet and tasty'. The children were very eager to tell everyone about them using their descriptions.
The children decided to make their own vehicles and buildings by working together. They were great at communicating which pieces they needed and why. The finished outcomes were great!
Spontaneous Prayer
As part of our Collective Worship, the children shared their own prayer with everyone. They were beautiful and thoughtful.
The children decoding and blending back together to spell out words. The children showing how clever they are at this now.
PSED - working together
The children worked together to play a game of picture dominoes involving modes of transport. When they had finished, it had filled the table.
Creating our own vehicles
Using junk modelling, the children researched the different types of vehicles and decided what they wanted to make. They independently selected their own resources and connected the pieces they wanted. A great result by all!
Independent play
Outside the children selected the their own resources to play with. They decided to make their own house and then play inside it. Such fun! Great conversations were had also.
The children have been able to show how they would use a shop. They have either purchased food products or sold them. I particularly enjoyed seeing the shopping lists been written.
Ball Skills
As part of the PE curriculum, the children have been learning to control the ball with their feet. They were able to dribble slowly around the room and managed to avoid the obstacles in their way. Great work!

Maths - counting with instruments
To check the children's accuracy in counting, the children listened to the number and then played that number of times. They were brilliant at counting and ensured they only made the required amount of beats and noises.
CVC writing
The children were able to use their sound knowledge to record the phonemes needed for the CVC words. Impressive writing.