Term 5
Friday 27th May
Platinum Jubilee celebration
What a wonderful way to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! The whole school gathered together on the playground, listened to each year group sing an iconic song from each of the decades the Queen has been on the throne and ate lunch in the sun. This was followed by a memorable treat - Skinner’s ice cream for everyone!
Thursday 26th May
We are moving onto measuring angles in Maths, so today we practised using protractors. In pairs, we were able to position the protractor carefully and work out the angle after deciding which scale to use.
Wednesday 25th May
Ancient Greek day
Dressed as Ancient Greeks, we handled artefacts from The Collection museum, asking historical enquiry questions and inferring answers; in role as archaeologists we were given a picture of part of an artefact and had to infer what the missing part might look like; explored the myth of King Midas and his Golden Touch through drama and used our Athletics skills to enter the mini Olympics, practising the events that were part of the Olympics in that era. In the afternoon, to build our appreciation of the food the Ancient Greeks ate, we tasted olives… Most of the class did not revere this fruit as they did! Luckily we also had pitta bread, tzatziki, houmous and feta cheese, which were enjoyed rather more.
Tuesday 17th May
With a focus on direction and position, the bee bots came in handy to practise the language required to describe these. Describing the turns and movements we could see helped us to apply the vocabulary correctly.

Thursday 12th May
RE church visit
This highly anticipated visit developed our learning about how beliefs can be expressed creatively through the arts.We were warmly welcomed to the magnificent Church of St Botolph’s, before breaking into groups to take part in all three activities planned for us. We explored the choir seats, uncovering the ‘secret’ carvings on the underside of each. These intricate carvings have been woven into the fabric of the church, as more were also seen in the high vaulted ceilings. Beliefs are shared through story telling as well as beauty in the glorious stained glass windows. We were very pleased to contribute to the fundraising project, which aims to build a replica of the Stump in Lego, by each laying a brick and receiving a card to commemorate this.
Wednesday 11th May
We are learning to code, using Crumble software. Today we were able to code the sparkle to flash alternate red and blue lights, and next week aim to develop this to be able to code longer programmes involving more complicated sequences.

Tuesday 10th May
Learning the reproductive parts of a flowering plant was helped when we dissected one! We were able to identify all of the parts we have been learning about, and describe their functions.

Monday 9th May
This term we are exploring the illustrations of E. H. Shepard, famous for his drawings for Winnie the Pooh and the Wind in the Willows. We are learning to draw using his techniques, and we were very pleased with our results!

Tuesday 3rd May
We were delighted to have the opportunity to play boccia today. Visitors came in to tell us about the sport, and then talked us through the rules of the competition as we played. It was great fun, very competitive and got us thinking strategically!

Tuesday 3th May
We had lots of fun exploring vocabulary that describes the Cyclops in The Odyssey, our text this term. We identified words that matched him first, then researched synonyms in thesauruses. We looked up definitions in the dictionary and finally put all that super vocabulary to good effect, using it to describe his physical appearance and his personality.

Wednesday 27th April
All the children were very excited about the booknic on Wednesday afternoon. After lunch, we headed out to the Reflective garden to enjoy our books. A beautiful peaceful atmosphere, broken only by murmurings as children shared their facts, opinions and ideas about their books, was experienced by all.

Teamwork and communication skills were the focus for our special circle times with our visitors this week. We worked together to pass the flower pot round the circle (no hands allowed!), sharing advice and suggestions to achieve this goal. We had lots of ideas about what good learning looks like, as well as how these skills (listening, concentrating, talking) help us to be good friends.