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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 4

Week 1


Welcome back! This week we started a new term and we were excited to continue our learning in the different subjects. We have started our French unit where we looked at counting to 31 in French! We really tested our knowledge during a game of French bingo! We also began to look at our new Guided Reading text - Big Cats. The children were thrilled to be exploring and learning all about these beautiful animals. We also started our new unit in English - explanation texts. We were introduced to the book 'Until I Met Dudley' and enjoyed learning all about the different items!  

Week 2 


This week we started our week with PSHE. We explored different scenarios and thought about how these can be seen as challenges to some people. We talked about our self-worth and how to manage our feelings. We also continued our PE unit of Dance! We had great fun moving to the music and counting to 8 with our different steps. Our theme was 'industrial factories' and we had to create a dance based on the movements of different mechanisms. 

World Book Day 2023


We had a fabulous day and loved seeing each other dressed as our favourite characters! We spent time in the library with our heads in a good book! 

Week 3


This week we explored technical vocabulary in English to help us write our explanation texts! We looked at the different parts of vacuum cleaner and their function. Afterwards, we used our knowledge to draft and publish our reports! We also looked at the function of a stem in Science! We observed celery stems in food colouring over a few days to see how the coloured dye altered the stem. This showed us how nutrients travel through the stem of a plant. 


Week 4 


This week we continued to learn how to play the ukulele in Music. We all show lots of enthusiasm during Music and are so excited to play the instruments. This week we used our knowledge of the different parts of the ukulele to identify the tuning pegs and tune the instrument. We learnt that the strings of a ukulele are G C E A. In PE we continued our dance unit where we created actions and movements inspired by industrials factories. In Design and Technology, we also began to practise our sewing skills! We retrieved our knowledge of running stitch from year 2 and began to practise backwards and blanket stitch. 

Week 5 


This week we began the week exploring hazards in PSHE. We looked at hazards that are around our local area and used 'predict - assess - manage' to help us overcome the hazards. In French, the began to ask each other: quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? We practised having conversations with each other in French using our knowledge of numbers and months to support us asking and answering when is it our birthdays. In Music this week we learnt how to play the C chord on the ukulele. We finished the week with a special visit from Reverend Jane who spoke to us about Christian beliefs and Trinity. 
