watermark trust st-thomas

St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy


As we are an Academy part of the Infinity Academies Trust, many of our policies are Trust wide.  A list of these statutory policies can be found by clicking on the link - TRUST POLICIES

These Trust policies include:


  • Trust Complaints Policy
  • Trust Safeguarding Policy (we have our own local level policy listed below)
  • Trust Behaviour Statement (we have our own local level policy listed below)
  • Trust Accessibility Plan (we have our own local level plan listed below)
  • Trust Charging and Remissions Policy
  • Trust Whistleblowing Policy
  • Trust Equality Statement
  • Trust Equality Objectives
  • Trust Equality and Diversity Policy


Policies Specific to our Academy are listed below:


For further information or if there is a policy you require which is not displayed please contact the school office.
