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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

2024-2025 Collective Worship

'Collective Worship is so lovely to be altogether. It feels like one big family,' Archie

'I enjoy the chance of being calm and still,' George

'It makes me think about myself sometimes and then of others not just in school but around the world.' Thalia

'We learn about stories from the Bible but how it links with us or our friends.' Maria

'I love when we sing together. It feels powerful.' Freddie

'I get this warm feeling inside and you just cannot explain it.' Miss Lenton

In, Out and Beyond!

Today in Collective Worship we have thought about how we reflect to make the world a better and fairer place.


Two children told the parable of the lamp using a suitcase and a torch to help us all to understand how we can share our behaviour and thoughts with others.


In - Sometimes we think inwardly - how we behave and how we think about ourselves and what is beautiful and the impact we have.


Out - Sometimes we reflect outwardly - what impact can we or do we have on our community around us to make it kinder and fairer for all. 


Beyond - sometimes our reflection take us beyond our community. We think about the beauty in the world and how our behaviour and thoughts can impact the world beyond our community to make the world fairer. 

Parent comments about Tolerance Class Worship

The parable of the sower

In Term 3 we are learning from the Parables of Jesus. No matter what our religious tradition or belief, we are all finding it interesting to reflect on the wise stories told by Jesus. 

Today, Father David shared with us how the same words can be taken or interpreted in different ways depending on how they ‘land’ with the listener. 

He then told us the story of the Parable of the sower so we were able to reflect on our decisions to act or not act in a certain way when we are given different opportunities. 

Speeches - giving a voice to others.

In the first week of 2025, our English curriculum has been a speaking and listening week: speeches week. 

Each year group has been given the opportunity to explore a different area in which children feel that they want to take responsibility for and to challenge the injustice that exists. 

Year 1 - protect wild habitats for insects. 

Year 2 - support our wildlife in Winter.  

Year 3 - support conservation in zoos! 

Year 4 - No child should have to work- education for all. 

Year 5 - change your attitude to deforestation - you can make changes from England so listen up! 

Year 6 - End wars in favour of peace - the time has come to use communication over violence. 


Our first day back this year fell on the day of Epiphany. 

In Collective Worships today, we reflected upon epiphany and our hopes for 2025.

in KS2, when we discussed this our worship changed when we discussed  the blessing of the chalk.  Some of our children with Polish and Orthodox children shared the meaning. We decided to ask Father David to write  20+ C+M+B + 25 on our school door to bless our year ahead with hope. 

The youngest of 5 siblings, this Polish Scientist was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Science. 


She is our Steward of Hope this month to give us an example that it doesn't matter how other people see us, we should keep our eyes focused on our goals and believe in ourselves. 


Marie Curie is a Steward of Hope for the people no-one suspects anything of and then they achieve great things!

Steward of Hope for January

End of term carol service

On the penultimate day of term 2, the Church School Council led a carol service with all of our favourite carols. It was when they shared ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told!’ Which covered the Christmas story from the prophecies of the patriarchs to the visit of the magi. 

Some pupils from Year 5 sang moving and meaningful solos and we all enjoyed the carol service. 

Reception Nativity

Whole School worship

On Christmas Jumper Day, Miss Sharples brought the whole school community together to reflect and celebrate the fellowship and the way that we are living out the vision as a school family. 

It was a beautiful time of spiritual reflection as we sang together in-front of the Christmas tree! 

December's Steward of Hope

Our King is a fantastic role model for servant leadership but he is our Steward of Hope this month for another reason. 

During his time as the Prince of Wales, he began his campaign to save the environment. His Charity and his work that came from it is making a difference to the natural world. 


King Charles III is a Steward of Hope for protecting our natural world!

Christingle services

The service of Remembrance for Armistice day

Steward of Hope for November

This month our steward of hope is Baroness Tanni-Grey Thompson. She is a famous Paraolympian and advocate for equality. Today she highlights the inequality and campaigns agaist it in the House of Lords. 


She is a steward of hope for equality! 

Visiting the Stump to learn about the History of St Botolph's church and to offer prayers of encouragement and hope

Some children from Years 3 to 6 had the opportunity to spend time at Boston Stump. During this time, children were able to pray and reflect on the importance of being part of a church school while exploring the history of the building. 


Harvest - at home and in Sri Lanka

Year 2 have led our school in the act of Courageous Advocacy of prayer, raising awareness and the gathering of food for those in need for Harvest. 


Reverend Sudarshan has also visited the children to lead worship to broaden our understanding of Harvest in another place in the world. In Sri Lanka, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists come together to celebrate the harvest. 

Hope Class lead Collective Worship

Hope Class worship - working together, Hope class showed the school family and the wider community of parents and relatives why they believe that Hope is an important virtue that we must all develop. 

This week, Courage Class spoke to the whole of the community - including parents and family - about the importance of developing courage as a part of your character and personality. 


The Year 4s shared the story of Daniel and the lions' den as well as prayers, songs and reflections to encourage each of us to be more courageous. 

Steward of Hope for October

This month, our steward of hope is Malala. 


She was shot in the head because she wanted to go to school in a place where girls were told not to. 


Now, after recovering, she campaigns for girls' education. 


She is a steward of hope for education for all!

Term 1 Week 4 - Stewards of God Pupil Leadership roles announced

In Collective Worship this week, we have explored the idea of Stewardship as leading others by serving them.


We have given out 165 leadership roles for pupils across the school as they applied to become Stewards of God. 


In the coming days and weeks, these leaders will be able to make a real difference to the community in school and out!

Steward of Hope for September

This month, the person who we learning from is Markus Rashford. Our vision of encouraging each other, overflowing with hope is seen in Markus Rashford's example he set during the time of the Covid pandemic. 


His humble approach to serving others and petitioning the government to ensure that all children have enough food to eat came from his own childhood experiences. 


He is a Steward of Hope for all children to well-fed and to not experience food poverty!

Term 1 Week 1 - Respect live worship from Picture News

On Friday 6th September, we gathered together - along with schools up and down the UK - to celebrate our differences and to look at how we can be part of overcoming adversity by working together as a community. 

