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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 5

Week 1

What a brilliant start to the new term. This week we have began our new learning across a range of different subjects. We were excited to take our DT projects from last term home, our marvellous aprons! In French, we began to learn the different colours. We listened to songs to help us pronounce the colours correctly. In PSHE, we looked at the differences between rules and laws and how these may differ across different communities. In English, we began to look at the story 'Jack and the baked beanstalk'. We used drama techniques to help us get into the thoughts of the different characters in the story. 

Week 2

This week we had fun learning a new chant in Music. We all enjoyed chanting Boom Chicka Boom whilst changing the pitch throughout the song. In Maths we have been working incredibly hard to master finding fractions of amounts. We looked at how we use the numerator and denominator to help us find different amounts of whole numbers. In PE, we began to study maps in preparation for out orienteering. We understood that North needs to be marked on our map to help us set the map in place. In Geography, we started our learning on the rainforest. We began by exploring biomes and even created our own biome in a bottle!


Week 3

This week we have been extremely excited as we approach the King's coronation. We have explored the history of the name 'King Charles' and learnt about the previous Kings with this name. We took part in a coronation picnic and had a photo to help remember this very special occasion! 

Week 4

This week we continued to look at different festivals around the world. We explored the Hindu festival of Holi and compared how this is celebrated both in the UK and in India. We discussed the key activities such as the colour throwing and bonfires. In PE, we were introduced to the control points in orienteering. We worked in pairs to create a map of the sports hall before locating the 10 control points. In English this week, we have continued to explore the story 'Jack and the baked bean stalk'. We used our drama skills to freeze frame the main parts of the story to help us sequence the main events. In Music, we looked at the impact expression has when we are singing. 

Week Five

This week we continued to use our story 'Jack and the baked beanstalk' to develop our own character and beanstalk choice. We substituted key parts of the story with our own ideas. This included changing the main character, the type of bean used for the beanstalk, the golden laying animal and the object which is used for entertainment purposes. We then began drafting our tale! In other areas of the curriculum this week, we enjoyed using the laptops to explore how colour and fonts can be used to create a magazine cover. The children worked brilliantly with their partners to design a magazine cover about an area of our learning. In Maths this week, we recapped our knowledge of telling the time. We used the clocks to help us tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes!

