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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 4

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a lovely half term.


This term there are going to be a lot more exciting opportunities for your children to experience. The children will be taking part in pedestrian training with a Road Safety Officer from Lincolnshire County Council, where they will learn about how to cross a road safely and will be going out of school to practice these skills.


In Science, we will be continuing to learn about different materials, focusing on the suitability of materials and learning about the inventor John Boyd Dunlop. In Geography, we will be using a range of different sources to study what life is like in the Arctic, as well as understanding more about the continents and oceans of the world.


During Design Technology this term, the children will be becoming fashion designers and after exploring different bags, will have the opportunity to design and make a bag for an explorer, that will enable them to carry food and drink to take with them on an expedition.


In Maths, we will be continuing with our learning on multiplication and division, before moving on to measurements.

Start of term

The children had the opportunity this week to participate in some pedestrian training with a Road Safety Officer from Lincolnshire County Council. After having a safety talk, the children were taken out of school to practise their  road safety skills they had learnt. 

Design Technology

This week we carefully looked at a range of different bags, focussing on the material, fastenings, joins, uses and purpose, to add us in our quest of making our own bags later in the term.


During Maths this week we have been looking at measuring length and height in centimetres using rulers, as well as recognising tallest/longest and shortest between items.


During Geography this week we looked closely at the 7 continents that make up the Earth, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Antarctic, Europe and Australia, using different atlases. We also learnt a song to help us to remember the continents in order from largest to smallest.



During this week in Maths we continued our learning about measurements by looking at mass and weight, especially grams. To help the children to learn about grams, each child held onto a baked bean, weighing approximately 1 gram.


During our SPaG lesson in English this week learnt about how contractions are made from two words being put together and missing letters replaced with an apostrophe. To help with their learning they worked in groups to match up the full words to the contraction word.

Guided Reading

During Poetry week in Guided Reading we learnt the poem The Engine Drive by Clive Samson. The children worked together to recite the poem, adding expression and actions, reading it to the rhythm or a moving steam train.
