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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

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St Thomas' CE Primary Academy

Term 6

We hope you had a fantastic half term holiday in the sunshine and have recharged your batteries for the term ahead!


This term we shall be learning all about the 'Titanic' in our History lessons which I am sure the children are really going to enjoy. Science continues learning more about plants and trees and observing how our seeds have grown since we planted them in term 5. In Maths we continue our learning of the place value of numbers but we extend  this to numbers up to 100, we also look at measurement, money and time. Our first text in English is Jack and the Beanstalk where the children will be writing character and setting descriptions before finally writing their own stories.

PE lessons will continue to take place every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon so please can all children have the correct PE kit in school. With the weather improving, please can I ask children come into school with plenty of water and a sun hat to protect them when playing outside.

Maths - We have started this term off with place value 50-100. The children have been using lots of manipulatives to identify the tens and ones within a number.

PE - We have been building on our throwing and catching skills in order to play team games using striking and fielding.

Art - Continuing our painting from Term 5, the children have been making tints of a colour, using different sized brushes to create texture and adding detail to flowers - some amazing artwork!
